[SOLVED] Problems with implementing lirc to control IR-devices

Ok so it’s on 9001 for some reason. Maybe i’m running an old version but mine defaults to 8765 as per the docs for lirc.

Try this then

echo “SEND_ONCE harman-kardon KEY_POWER” | nc localhost 9001

I’ve tried this, too, but nothing happened. @ei_Gelb_Geek informed me right now, that I’m running lircd 0.9.0-pre1 - does this change anything ?

So i’m running 0.9.0~pre1-1.2

It’s started using init.d unfortunately, I should really replace that.

i did specify the port --listen=8765

Lets try adding --listen=8765 in your service file, don’t forget to reload, and then restart it. then see if its listening on 8765.

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Also if it is listening.

nc localhost 9001

Should show blank but not return to the shell prompt

Then type

SEND_ONCE harman-kardon KEY_POWER <enter>

should see something like this…

nc localhost 8765

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I changed it right now and restarted the whole pi - safe is safe. Now, netstat -lptn delivers the same stuff as before: port 9001. Is it right, that my .service file is there: /usr/lib/systemd/system/lirc.service ? Seems that this does not react…

When changing the service file you need to do sudo systemctl daemon-reload

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I did

sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/system/lirc.service

Is this ok? Askd me for a password and then I could change the file.

yeah thats fine but you still need to issue the daemon-reload command

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I can’t understand why netstat delivers the same …

see above

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

in the directory /usr/lib/systemd/system/?

any directory

ok did it. yeah, see this:

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -               
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      -               
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -               
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -               
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::139                  :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::5007                 :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::8443                 :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::445                  :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0         :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0 :::9124                 :::*                    LISTEN      -               
tcp6       0      0          :::*                    LISTEN      -        

Crazy !!! echo ‘SEND_ONCE harman-kardon KEY_POWER’ | nc localhost 8765 works also, now !! :smiley:

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Ok interesting I wonder if you had something else running on 9001 and you were getting a conflict.

Test using

nc localhost 8765

then typing your SEND_ONCE command and hitting enter

Guy, you are a god, openhab works also !!!

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Cool, port conflict you have something else running on 9001, see it’s still in the list.

Now change your openhab server config to 8765

SEND_ONCE harman-kardon KEY_POWER              
SEND_ONCE harman-kardon KEY_POWER

Everything’s working ! Including the controlling in openhab !! Oh my god, I thank you so much !

your very welcome. Now it’s just a matter of tweaking your rules and sitemap to your liking.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Hi there again,

I thought about making a rule that makes a sequence of different commands, in my case: Turn the receiver on and navigate through the home screen of my Apple TV, click on Netflix and start a movie.

In sitemaps, everything works great. In the rule “Sheldon” all commands are executes many times. There is something like a permanent rule that can only stop by updating the files. When I only write one single operation in the rule, this works. When writing two or more commands, they were permanently repeated. It seems that the Threat sleep has something to do with the interval of the repeats.

Can anyone help me, maybe you, @chriscolden, again ?

Thank you !

The rule looks like this:

rule "Sheldon"
  when  Item sheldon received command
  then if(receivedCommand == ON)
     Power_Plug_Socket_B9.sendCommand("ON") // turn on the socket
     lirc.apply("fernseher", "KEY_POWER", logName) // turn on the tv
     lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_UP", logName) // random button to turn the Apple TV on 
      lirc.apply("harman_kardon", "KEY_POWER", logName) // turn on the receiver
     lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_DOWN", logName)   // navigate in the home screen 
     lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_DOWN", logName)  // navigate in the home screen 

The rule of the virtual remote in sitemap is:

import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions

val logName = "Media"

val Functions$Function3<String, String, String, Boolean> lirc= [ r, k, ln |
	logInfo(ln, "LIRC Send " + r + " " + k)

	sendCommand("Remote_" + r, k)

rule "Harman Kardon"

	Item HarmanKardon received command
	if (receivedCommand == 1) lirc.apply("harman_kardon", "KEY_POWER", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 2) lirc.apply("harman_kardon", "KEY_POWER2", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 10) lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_UP", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 11) lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_DOWN", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 12) lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_LEFT", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 13) lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_RIGHT", logName)
	if (receivedCommand == 14) lirc.apply("appletv", "KEY_MENU", logName)



The items file is:

Switch Remote_Send { channel="exec:command:remote-send:run" }
String Remote_Send_Args { channel="exec:command:remote-send:input"}
String Remote_Send_Out { channel="exec:command:remote-send:output" }

Group remotes
Number		HarmanKardon			""								<none>					(gLounge)		{ autoupdate="false" }
String		Remote_harman_kardon															    			{ channel="lirc:remote:local:harman-kardon:transmit" }
Number		appletv			""										<none>					(gLounge)		{ autoupdate="false" }
String		Remote_appletv																					{ channel="lirc:remote:local:appletv:transmit" }
Number		fernseher			""							 		<none>					(gLounge)		{ autoupdate="false" }
String		Remote_fernseher																				{ channel="lirc:remote:local:fernseher:transmit" }
Number		ledstrip			""							 		<none>					(gLounge)		{ autoupdate="false" }
String		Remote_ledstrip																					{ channel="lirc:remote:local:ledstrip:transmit" }

The things file is:

Bridge lirc:bridge:local [ host="***myIP***", port="8765" ] {
    Thing remote harman-kardon [ remote="Harman-Kardon" ]
    Thing remote appletv [ remote="appletv" ]
    Thing remote fernseher [ remote="fernseher" ]
    Thing remote ledstrip [ remote="ledstrip" ]