My daughter lives in Chicago. Good thing you weren’t there a couple weeks ago. She said the wind chill of 42 below was unreal…
@5iver if you’re still around
Got the new snapshot installed earlier this morning. We are now getting some alarm_raw data in finally. I am using a version of your rules I found in an old post to get me started, wanted to see if you could help out a little.
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions
rule "Lock: Update lock states after alarm_raw event"
Item FrontLock_Alarm_Raw received update
val actionItem = gLock.members.findFirst[ item | =="_Alarm_Raw","") ]
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}=[{}]",,triggeringItem.state.toString)
switch (transform("JSONPATH","$.type",triggeringItem.state.toString)) {
switch (transform("JSONPATH", "$.event", triggeringItem.state.toString)) {
case "1", case "3", case "5" : {
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {} updated to ON (locked)",
case "2", case "4" : {
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {} updated to OFF (unlocked)",
case "6" : {
val StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(
message.append(" was unlocked with")
switch (transform("JSONPATH", "$.code", triggeringItem.state.toString)) {
case "1" : {
message.append(" user code 1")
case "2" : {
message.append(" user code 2")
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: {}",message.toString)
case "11" : {
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {} is jammed, so setting lock to OFF (unlocked)",actionItem.label)
//SMS_Notification.sendCommand(actionItem.label + " is jammed")
//Kodi_Notification.sendCommand(actionItem.label + " is jammed")
case "16" : {
val String message = actionItem.label + " keypad is disabled due to too many failed codes"
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
default : {
val String message = "Unknown door lock Event, " + triggeringItem.state.toString
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
if (transform("JSONPATH", "$.event", triggeringItem.previousState(true).state.toString) == "11" && transform("JSONPATH", "$.event", triggeringItem.state.toString) != "11") {
val String message = actionItem.label + " is no longer jammed"
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
case "BURGLAR" : {
val String message = "Intruder at " + actionItem.label
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
val String message = "Power Management alarm for " + actionItem.label + ", " + triggeringItem.state.toString
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
default : {
val String message = "Unknown Type in alarmRawParser, " + triggeringItem.state.toString
logInfo("Rules", "Lock: Alarm events: {}",message)
{"notification":"ACCESS__MANUAL_LOCK", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"1","status":"255"}
{"notification":"ACCESS__MANUAL_UNLOCK", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"2","status":"255"}
unlocked with zwave? event 3
locked with zwave? event 4
{"notification":"ACCESS__KEYPAD_LOCK", "code":"1", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"5","status":"255"}
{"notification":"ACCESS__KEYPAD_UNLOCK","code":"1", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"6","status":"255"}
{"notification":"ACCESS__LOCK_JAMMED", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"11","status":"255"}
{"notification":"ACCESS__KEYPAD_LOCK", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"5","status":"255"}
{"notification":"ACCESS_CONTROL__KEYPAD_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED", "type":"ACCESS_CONTROL","event":"16","status":"255"}
{"notification":"BURGLAR__TAMPER_UNKNOWN", "type":"BURGLAR","event":"2","status":"255"}
{"notification":"HOME_SECURITY__INTRUSION_UNKNOWN", "type":"BURGLAR","event":"2","status":"255"}
{"notification":"POWER__REPLACE_BATTERY_SOON", "type":"POWER_MANAGEMENT","event":"10","status":"255"}
{"notification":"POWER_MANAGEMENT__REPLACE_BATTERY_SOON", "type":"POWER_MANAGEMENT","event":"10","status":"255"}
events.log - only getting alarm_raw for codes entered on the keypad (codes 10, & 11)
@openhab-v2:~$ tail -f -n 50 /var/log/openhab2/events.log | grep "FrontLoc*"
2019-02-26 02:39:26.554 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'FrontLock' received command OFF
2019-02-26 02:39:26.555 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - FrontLock predicted to become OFF
2019-02-26 02:39:26.558 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock changed from ON to OFF
2019-02-26 02:39:26.559 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gLock changed from ON to OFF through FrontLock
2019-02-26 02:39:48.360 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'FrontLock' received command ON
2019-02-26 02:39:48.362 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - FrontLock predicted to become ON
2019-02-26 02:39:48.365 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock changed from OFF to ON
2019-02-26 02:39:48.371 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gLock changed from OFF to ON through FrontLock
2019-02-26 02:44:51.903 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock changed from ON to OFF
2019-02-26 02:44:51.904 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gLock changed from ON to OFF through FrontLock
2019-02-26 02:44:53.977 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock changed from OFF to ON
2019-02-26 02:44:53.977 [GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - gLock changed from OFF to ON through FrontLock
2019-02-26 02:45:02.146 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock_Alarm_Raw changed from NULL to {"type":"16","value":"10"}
2019-02-26 03:32:17.596 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - FrontLock_Alarm_Raw changed from {"type":"16","value":"10"} to {"type":"16","value":"11"}
2019-02-26 02:45:02.261 [INFO ] [eclipse.smarthome.model.script.Rules] - Lock: Alarm events: FrontLock=[{"type":"16","value":"10"}]
2019-02-26 02:45:02.309 [INFO ] [eclipse.smarthome.model.script.Rules] - Lock: Alarm events: Unknown Type in alarmRawParser, {"type":"16","value":"10"}
2019-02-26 03:32:17.600 [INFO ] [eclipse.smarthome.model.script.Rules] - Lock: Alarm events: FrontLock=[{"type":"16","value":"11"}]
2019-02-26 03:32:17.603 [INFO ] [eclipse.smarthome.model.script.Rules] - Lock: Alarm events: Unknown Type in alarmRawParser, {"type":"16","value":"11"}
Any thoughts on getting the rule modified for:
Unknown Type in alarmRawParser, {"type":"16","value":"10"}
Your lock has an older version of the ALARM command class, so alarm_raw comes in with different data. There are some posts with examples of the rule that will work for your lock… or at least get you headed in the right direction. Here’s a start…
I’ve just installed and added to my z wave network Schlage FE599NX lock. The only three channels I see are Door Lock, General Alarm and Battery level. Is there a way to add/activate alarm raw channel? I have the newest version (2.5 ) of openhab and addons, update was done two days ago.
Welcome to the forum!
The device database has the alarm_raw Channel… What is returned when you type this into the console? Maybe you manually installed an older version of the binding at some point?
list -s | grep zwave
Here is the output from the console:
openhab> list -s|grep zwave
254 x Active x 80 x 2.5.0 x org.openhab.binding.zwave
Here is listing from addons directory
pi@rpi2:/usr/share/openhab2/addons $ ls -l
total 190268
-rw-r–r-- 1 openhab openhab 190203584 Dec 15 17:56 openhab-addons-2.5.0.kar
-rw-r–r-- 1 openhab openhab 4621449 Jun 12 2018 org.openhab.binding.ipcamera-2.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-rw-r–r-- 1 openhab openhab 70 Dec 15 17:56 README
Should I try to uninstall ad install again zwave binding ?
Thank you
You have the 2.5 version of the binding. What’s making you think the alarm_raw Channel isn’t there?
Here is the screenshot from PaperUI:
The channel type is Switch and the only item I can link to this channel is Switch.
Thank you
I corrected the issue by
- Uninstalling zwave binding
- restarting openhab
- installing zwave binding
- removing thing for lock
5 adding thing back
Now the alarm channel has type string and the name “Alarm (raw)”
Others would know better, but the only explanation I can think of is that you had created a Thing for the lock with a previous version of the binding. That does not seem possible though, since you had said that you had only just added it.
Glad you got it working!