[SOLVED] Send too certain audiosink

Hi everyone

Should be simple

I have two google home devices that I use as an audiosink for notifications ect

When I want too send a notification too one speaker only how do I put this in a rule?

I use the chromecast binding and playsound (filename.mp3) too send notifications

I have looked at the docs and a few posts but can’t find the information needed the info is in the docs but I’m not sure how too utilize this

(I have quickly wrote this on mobile will update better once at a computer)

Thanks for any pointers

Don’t have much experience with multiple sinks but docs tell you to specify a sink like this:

playSound("sonos:PLAY5:kitchen", "doorbell.mp3")



Have you seen this documentation?

I use the Karaf console with this command…

smarthome:audio sinks

This will give you a list of all available Audio Sinks, use the exact text within a rule.

Good luck


My Karaf console shows these available audio Sinks

openhab> smarthome:audio sinks
Bathroom (chromecast:audio:3f5b31d2c7d792037ef036c498c40a1c)
Cabin (chromecast:chromecast:dc1c3cdca7c119edda07b157b89213ed)
Lounge ChromeCast (chromecast:chromecast:9fcd8320e1763a302be40c2accd5cf)
System Speaker (javasound)
System Speaker (with mp3 support) (enhancedjavasound)
TV Room ChromeCast (chromecast:chromecast:aa06742fcb32f738f264f256ad10c7)
Web Audio (webaudio)

So a command in one of my rules might look like this…

playSound("chromecast:chromecast:aa06742fcb32f738f264f256ad10c7", "doorbell.mp3")


say("Hello world!", "voicerss:enUK", "chromecast:chromecast:aa06742fcb32f738f264f256ad10c7",75)

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@gitMiguel @MDAR

Thanks both of you for a quick reply

That’s the doc I read and could not work out how too change sonos too my device name

I think that is what I needed will try that and post back

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@MDAR Thanks for the command it did list my audiosinks and a little testing i got this working. :smiley:

@gitMiguel thanks for the post it was pointing me in the right direction :slight_smile:

now i’m stuck on an alarm clock rule i’m working on that’s what this was for my rule just does not behave as expected

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Happy to hear you got it sorted! Post your rule and problems and maybe we can help.

Posted a new thread :slight_smile: