[SOLVED] Snapshots #1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721- restdocs (Rest API) errors

:rofl: Just scrolling through the docs of Jayway JsonPath the dependency on Jackson is optional because it is shipped with five different JsonProviders - Jackson is one of them (see SPI section). The binding currently uses default JsonSmart but it imo would make much more sense to switch to Gson.


Short heads-up: The Jackson dependency in Jsonpath has been removed. For the remaining five bundles we need a different solution - maybe the fix submitted by @J-N-K. They all use external libraries which depend on Jackson.

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I can confirm, that in Snapshot 1725 there are no 2.9.9 | Jackson-annotations installed,

while restdocs and jsonpath are installed. Restdocs are still running after installation of another addon after jsonpath was installed.

206 | Active |  80 | 2.4.5                 | Jackson-annotations
207 | Active |  80 | 2.4.5                 | Jackson-core
208 | Active |  80 | 2.4.5                 | jackson-databind
240 | Active |  80 |    | openHAB UI :: Bundles :: openHAB REST API Documentation
243 | Active |  75 |    | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Transformation Service :: JSonPath
244 | Active |  80 |   | openHAB HTTP Binding

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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It (going to Jackson 2.9.10) has been merged:

I’m really looking forward to the next snapshot. :slight_smile:

I’ve installed Snapshot #1728 now.

The following is running again:

jsonpath, chromecast, restdocs

All others (see post above) I did not test.

and the following tp-features are installed now:

208 | Active |  80 | 2.9.10                | Jackson-annotations
209 | Active |  80 | 2.9.10                | Jackson-core
210 | Active |  80 | 2.9.10                | jackson-databind

@J-N-K Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

EDIT: Installation of boschindego, groheondus,jinja also were successful! But I cannot test them…