[SOLVED] TCP binding generates a lot of log entries

Hi there,

after upgrading to Openhab 2.2 (from OH2.1 stable on Openhabian), my TCP binding generates endless messages like the following:

2017-12-25 19:08:23.287 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:23.554 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:23.822 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:24.090 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:24.358 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:24.626 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:24.894 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected
2017-12-25 19:08:25.161 [INFO ] [ing.tcp.AbstractSocketChannelBinding] - The channel for / is now connected

My TCP config (more or less default):

# all parameters can be applied to both the TCP and UDP binding unless
# specified otherwise

# Port to listen for incoming connections

# Cron-like string to reconnect remote ends, e.g for unstable connection or remote ends
#reconnectcron=0 0 0 * * ?

# Interval between reconnection attempts when recovering from a communication error,
# in seconds

# Queue data whilst recovering from a connection problem (TCP only)

# Maximum buffer size whilst reading incoming data

# Share connections within the Item binding configurations

# Share connections between Item binding configurations

# Share connections between inbound and outbound connections

# Allow masks in ip:port addressing, e.g.* etc

# Pre-amble that will be put in front of data being sent

# Post-amble that will be appended to data being sent

# Perform all write/read (send/receive) operations in a blocking mode, e.g. the binding
# will wait for a reply from the remote end after data has been sent

# timeout, in milliseconds, to wait for a reply when initiating a blocking write/read
#  operation

# Update the status of Items using the response received from the remote end (if the
# remote end sends replies to commands)

# Timeout - or 'refresh interval', in milliseconds, of the worker thread

# Timeout, in milliseconds, to wait when "Selecting" IO channels ready for communication

# Used character set

And finally my item (was working flawless (at least without those logs)):

Switch Streaming_Random_Mix {tcp=">[ON:'MAP(squeezebox_cli.map)']"}

Once this item is enabled, those messages get thrown all the time.
Is that anything to worry about?

During upgrading i chose the system default when I got the question if a config file should be replaced (N is default). After changing to the new config files everything’s fine again.

So it was a system error 40 (error resides 40cm in front of screen)