(Plattform Information above)
I’m still a newbie but I’m trying to learn.
I would like to set up a morning routine with the new Rule AddOn but I need some help with it.
I already looked through the documentation and forum but nothing really helped me.
What I want:
On Weekdays:
Every Evening the Thermostat Mode should change to “Sleep”.
At 6 a clock in the morning the thermostat mode should be set to “Emergency Heating” or 30 Degrees.
And at 7 a clock in the morning the Thermostat Mode should be set to “Auto” or 19 Degrees.
On the Weekend:
Every evening the Thermostat Mode should change to “Sleep”
At 9 a clock the Thermostat mode should be set to “Auto” or 19 Degrees.
Now I tried to define my Items with a list copied from the Internet. I don’t know if they really make sense or if I can use them. But I think that I would need those:
With this one I can change my temperature (I censored out the ZigBee Adress):
Number Temperature_Setpoint “Temperature [%.1f °C]” { channel=“zigbee:device:myzigbeeadressthermostatoccupiedheating” }
A Setpoint (I think I don’t need this one):
Setpoint item=Temperature_Setpoint minValue=16 maxValue=28 step=0.5
Now I’m missing the one to change the Thermostat Mode.
Setting up a thermostat in OpenHab is unfortunately quite hard for beginners since there are not so many documentation/tutorials about them.
These are the available channels I have:
My Problem / Question
Now in the new Rule AddOn, you can define Rules using a user interface which makes it easy for beginners (at least I hope so )
I tried defining the rule myself but I have trouble defining the “then” clause.
If I understood that correctly, then I have to use the “send a command” option to change the state of an item, correct?
But what command do I have to use to change the temperature or the mode of the Thermostat?
Do I have to define commands?
I hope I don’t ask for too much.
I’m trying to learn so I can do it my self in the future.
Hopefully, somebody can help me.
Thank you very much,
My Plattform:
Raspberry Pi Zero
OS: Newest raspbian buster build and openHAB manually installed; I’m not using the prebuild image from OpenHab
openHAB version: 2.5.0.M5
Thermostat: Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee Thermostat
Coordinator: CC2531 Stick
I have manually installed OpenHAB. Now I’m missing the Log Viewer. Does anybody know how to install the Log Viewer Interface / GUI?