[SOLVED] Thermostat Rule Help (gpio, dht22, exec binding, things, items, rules)


Still no joy…


Time cron "0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *"
        val DateTime filterChanged=Filter_DateTime.state
        logInfo("Filter", "Val filterChanged has " + filterChanged + " state")
        val Number filterPeriod=Filter_Period.state as Number
        logInfo("Filter", "Val filterMinutes has " + filterPeriod + " state")
        if(now.minusMinutes(filterPeriod.intValue).isAfter(filterChanged)) {
                logInfo("Filter", "It works...")

logged error…

2018-08-28 11:15:00.034 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T00:47:49.987-0500 state
2018-08-28 11:15:00.044 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 6 state
2018-08-28 11:15:00.058 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.ExecuteRuleJob] - Error during the execution of rule 'Show Filter_Changed switch': An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.joda.time.base.AbstractInstant.isAfter(org.joda.time.ReadableInstant) on instance: 2018-08-28T11:09:00.049-05:00

@vzorglub After hours of searching and trial / error… I finally found a solution! Here it is…

Now I am curious… let’s say that I change the now.minusMinutes to now.minusMonths and the period is set to 3 months. I change the filter November 1st. So the next due date would be February 1st. Would this solution still work?

 rule "Test | Unhide Filter Changed switch"
        Time cron "0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *"

        val filterChanged=new DateTime((Filter_DateTime.state as DateTimeType).zonedDateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli)
        logInfo("Filter", "Val filterChanged has " + filterChanged + " state")

        val Number filterPeriod=Filter_Period.state as Number
        logInfo("Filter", "Val filterMinutes has " + filterPeriod + " state")

        if(now.minusMinutes(filterPeriod.intValue).isAfter(filterChanged)) {
                logInfo("Filter", "It works...showing Change Filter switch")
                logInfo("Filter", "Time isn't up...")



2018-08-28 14:52:17.161 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Contact opened... posting DateTime
2018-08-28 14:53:00.024 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:53:00.040 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:53:00.052 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:54:00.021 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:54:00.046 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:54:00.056 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:55:00.039 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:55:00.052 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:55:00.059 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:56:00.022 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:56:00.034 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:56:00.044 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:57:00.028 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:57:00.048 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:57:00.059 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:58:00.023 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:58:00.034 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:58:00.043 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 14:59:00.023 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 14:59:00.035 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 14:59:00.046 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:00:00.033 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:00:00.044 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:00:00.062 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:01:00.030 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:01:00.042 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:01:00.051 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:02:00.043 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:02:00.057 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:02:00.066 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:03:00.023 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:03:00.038 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:03:00.049 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:04:00.032 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:04:00.046 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:04:00.056 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Time isn't up...
2018-08-28 15:05:00.028 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterChanged has 2018-08-28T14:52:17.165-05:00 state
2018-08-28 15:05:00.042 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - Val filterMinutes has 12 state
2018-08-28 15:05:00.054 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Filter] - It works...showing Change Filter switch

If it works with plusMinutes I see no reason why it shouldn’t work with plusMonths

Got ya.

More specifically though, would it work if the year goes to the next? I ask because I’m not sure if the “method” accounts for the change in year. For example… I set the period to 3 months and change the filter on 10/1/2018. So the next change would be 1/1/2019.

Does the plusMonths method look at the DateTime as a whole? Knowing that 1/1/2019 is 3 months after 10/1/2018. Please excuse my ignorance!

Yes it would work the dates are absolute

Ok. I thought it would, but wasn’t sure. Thanks for clarifying and your help, Vincent!


Thanks for posting your code! I’m working on doing something similar but using it to build a PID controller. I can’t seem to get my sitemap to work properly. Do you mind sharing your sitemap?


So I got my Sitemap up and going but I cannot seem to figure out how to get it to display the temp and humidity correctly. I get the following error…

I’m running the latest Rasbian and Openhab. I also installed the exec binding and GPIO.

>      File "/etc/openhab2/scripts/hum.py", line 10, in <module>
>         humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, pin)
>       File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Adafruit_DHT-1.4.0-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/Adafruit_DHT/common.py", line 94, in read_retry
>       File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Adafruit_DHT-1.4.0-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/Adafruit_DHT/common.py", line 81, in read
>       File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Adafruit_DHT-1.4.0-py2.7-linux-armv6l.egg/Adafruit_DHT/Raspberry_Pi_2.py", line 34, in read
>     RuntimeError: Error accessing GPIO.
