[SOLVED] Too dumb to work with files :-( ? stuck at getting started with files

First of all, well done. Glad you stuck it through. As you said you are learning the system.

The paperUI will pick the things and items generated in the paperUI. Any items manually created will not appear in the paperUI. (You can still link them to channels)

Group are a bit like any other items. Yes they need to be created before they can be used. If you define an item as part of agroup that doesn’t exist, it will be ignored. So if you want an item to belong to a group, Yes the group needs to exist. What do you mean by sitemap group? If you put a group in a sitemap, clicking on it will display the items in that group in no particular order.

You can use a tail command to see what is happening in the log in real time. It will only display the latest. tail has many options. Google it.
tail /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log

That’s a know issue hopefully being resolved

Get a real phone :laughing:

Click on the show more bit of the chromecast thing
There are more channels available

Basically NO, but there are some very good template, like:

Don’t know, sorry

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