[SOLVED]: Unable to login or register on openhab-cloud deployed on VPS

I am unable to register a new user or login with my existing user account on my deployed version of Openhabcloud. I followed the instructions thoroughly as mentioned in README.md and my instance is up and running Openhabcloud at the following url.

All I am able to see is the login page, but it’s a new instance completely, no user exists currently, so how do I login ?
I am even not able to see any option to register a new user.

I have a username and password which enables me to login at the official myopenhab org , but I am unable to do so with my own instance.

Following is the screenshot of the screen I see when I try to open my openhab cloud instance.

I also tried changing in config.json file the last line which says registration_enabled=false, I tried setting it to true then restarted the ngnix service, and still the option to register is not available.

Solution mentioned at one of the community links and the Issues page (#103) does not seem to work.

The Issue was also addressed at openhabcloud repository Issue no 103 and solution is mentioned the same as editing the config.json file

I edited my config.json , then sudo service nginx restart then sudo nohup node app.js still facing the same issue.

Please shower some light on this.
Thank You

You wrote the last line would be

but it needs to be

"registration_enabled": true

This is just a typo ?
In first place you also did not write that you restarted the node server while you just wrote about restarting nginx. Later you mentioned the node service which needs to be restarted after a modification.
What about mongo and redis setup ? That’s also available ?
What about log entries in openhab-cloud logs directory ?

[SOLVED] : I created a brand new instance and followed the same steps and it was solved by making registration_enabled=true, and then starting the openhabcloud service, but don’t know why it did not happen the same way in previous instance.