[SOLVED] Yeelight 1S color no token


I’m starting to use home automation with OpenHab (Docker) but I already have a problem. I bought to start with a bulb brand “Yeelight LED color 1S” and I use the binding Yeelink and Xiaomi MI IO.
The binding “Yeelink” does not find my bulb.
The binding “Xiaomi MI IO” finds my bulb but without the token, so it remains offline.

Could someone help me please?

enter your Xiaomi cloud details in the binding configuration and it will pull the token from the cloud

Ok Thanks you, but, My device is detected only locally network although I have configured my binding in “Discover from cloud” with good login xiaomi cloud.


Why ?

Could someone help me please ?

You don’t need ‘discover from the cloud’ to get the token from the cloud. local discovery is fine too.

Make sure you have the correct login details (username/pwd) for the cloud in your binding config, incl the servers.

If you want to share picture, paste it in the here in the forum instead of external link.

Thanks again but i have need again help…
I did as you told me to do. I checked my ID and my password for Xiaomi Cloud (I even disconnected and reconnected from this site https://us.i.mi.com/ to verify them)

Here are the two screens that show my configuration and my device once found.

fr is not a country with Xiaomi server. Most likely it will be the de server.
Last section in the miio binding readme for the mapping of country to server.

In fact, it’s me who didn’t read the entire documentation… Sorry!
But now thanks to your help it works. It was indeed the server problem that I had misinformed.
Thank you very much !!

I can close the topic.

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