[Solved]Zwave Controller Device id keeps getting overwritten

I had an issue last night where my Zwave controller changed it’s device ID. I keep editing the org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.link.ItemChannelLink.json to replace the old device id with the new one and Openhab keeps overwriting the new id with the old id. I’ve tried relinking them all in PaperUI (which shows the correct ID), I’ve also tried clearing cache and tmp and it still keeps happening.

Any other suggestions?

You need to first stop openHAB service, then edit, then start openHAB again.

When you add the controller, you can edit the id to any value, so you could also apply your old id (no need for editing files in that case).

Sorry, wasn’t explicit enough in my earlier post. I made the edits and deleted cache and tmp with OpenHAB stopped. Then when it restarts it overwrites the new device I’d with the old one.

That’s good to know for next time. I assume I can’t do it post, plus already added a 1/2 dozen new devices so might end up in the opposite side of the problem.

Devices are still getting controlled despite the log errors, so really not sure what is going on. Likely going to switch to a text .items configuration so I can also define all my mqtt devices independently and kill two birds with one stone.

Finally figured it out. It goes back the bug that doesn’t delete item links from the jsondb. I had duplicate entries for many of my items / thing links. Once I went through and deleted all the duplicates it seems to have quite changing them in my file.

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