Somfy binding is being weird

OK then. using the advice from the post above I think I have the blinds working.

The problem is that the Roller Blinds are auto-detected (correctly) as a Somfy Screen. Most likely because the logical set-up flow from within the Tahoma app implies that they are that kind of device.

Steps to get them working were as follows…

  1. Add the thing when it is auto-detected and sent to your in-box.
  2. Copy the thing’s Somfy Tahoma Device URL.
  3. Set up a new thing, as a Somfy Shutter and use the URL from step 2.
  4. Delete the old thing.

The response time is pretty slow, so I’m bummed the Connectivity Kit doesn’t support the local API, particularly as the Bridge seems to have a fairly spotty connection.

Bonus Tip: I also kept getting frequent…

OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Too many requests, try again later

…errors, so I changed the Refresh Time to 600 on the Bridge, which seemed to fix it.

Just as a reference, the commands being sent from the binding are…


Sending POST to url: with data: {"label":"Bedroom Blind - down - openHAB","actions":[{"deviceURL":"ogp://2105-3869-5668/1044833","commands":[{"name":"down","parameters":[]}]}]}


Sending POST to url: with data: {"label":"Bedroom Blind - close - openHAB","actions":[{"deviceURL":"ogp://2105-3869-5668/1044833","commands":[{"name":"close","parameters":[]}]}]}

…so it looks like the key difference is the open/close up/down command.