Somfy RTS Awning - No Position Feedback

I am migrating from Zipato to Openhab. Zipato was giving me the possibility to control my Awning by choosing the position on a slider.

Because my motor is not providing a Feedbac. I only know the time it takes form 0%-100% and backwards.
Zipato used the Seconds it takes for the awning to go move and based on some algorithm they could move the awning on your (more or less) desired position.
I cannot have a position feedback as my Motor is an Old school motor, and my Somfy RTS controller is an external one connected to the motor

I gave it a thought and It is possible to be implemented with Openhab.
I am not good at logical diagrams, but I tried to compile one possible way.

The first diagram is based on a Loop which will way for /100 for each 1% of the steps and stop after that.
This is what I compiled: