SOMFYTAHOMA binding: thing light error

Hi and heapy new year,
My probleme with 2.5 version Somfy light can’t créate items type switch, see next for error , .things and .items.
Error in log:

2020-01-06 11:30:15.502 [WARN ] [re.thing.internal.ThingFactoryHelper] - Could not create channel ‘switch’ for thing type ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:beee6c2f-9429-4c6e-9b3e-1663cff3dd85’, because channel type ‘somfytahoma:switch’ could not be found.
2020-01-06 11:30:15.534 [WARN ] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Could not create channel ‘switch’ for thing ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:beee6c2f-9429-4c6e-9b3e-1663cff3dd85’, because channel type ‘somfytahoma:switch’ could not be found.
2020-01-06 11:30:15.539 [WARN ] [re.thing.internal.ThingFactoryHelper] - Could not create channel ‘switch’ for thing type ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:eca3551a-56e8-4379-a5da-0e6d4f111214’, because channel type ‘somfytahoma:switch’ could not be found.
2020-01-06 11:30:15.542 [WARN ] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Could not create channel ‘switch’ for thing ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:eca3551a-56e8-4379-a5da-0e6d4f111214’, because channel type ‘somfytahoma:switch’ could not be found.

Dump discovery:

Added new thing ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:beee6c2f-9429-4c6e-9b3e-1663cff3dd85’
Added new thing ‘somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:eca3551a-56e8-4379-a5da-0e6d4f111214’


Thing light beee6c2f-9429-4c6e-9b3e-1663cff3dd85 “Ecl_Ext_Rue” [ url=“rts://1204-9462-3265/16756022” ]
Thing light eca3551a-56e8-4379-a5da-0e6d4f111214 “Ecl_Ext_Jardin” [ url=“rts://1204-9462-3265/16773116” ]


Switch SwEclExtRue “Switch RTS Ecl. Haut Rue” (GR_TaHoma) {channel=“somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:beee6c2f-9429-4c6e-9b3e-1663cff3dd85:switch”}
Switch SwEclExtJardin “Switch RTS Ecl. Haut & Bas Jardin” (GR_TaHoma) {channel=“somfytahoma:light:a107ae8f:eca3551a-56e8-4379-a5da-0e6d4f111214:switch”}

Do i make a mistake or is it a bug?
Thank for your reply

What channels show in the Paper UI ? switch may not be a valid channel name for that device.

If i validate Items linking in Paper UI then créate things and items, the item is not vosoble in Paper UI.
and in Habmin UI the créate thing has no canaux in configuration

Please read about openHAB concepts.
1, Discover / create Thing , usually having many channels
2. Create Item
3; Link Item to a Thing/Channel combination

You cannot have items linking before Things and Items are created.

Sorry, my explaination is not clear. I do like you explain and there is no channel.
For information my openhab installation are 3 years old whith about 100 items ans on this Somfy Tahome about 20 working items. Only this 2 items are not working.

This will start explaining the concepts better than I can do here.

See Tahoma Binding compatible with OH2 for solution