Sonos in Docker

Could you please contribute by an enhancement of the following page in documentation ?

The corresponding page in Github to propose your change :


Let me know if you plan to update the readme. Else I could do it as well - as I consider it very valuable information. But it does not make sense if I do something that will conflict with your work.

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If you can that would be great as im quite busy with my kids these days.

fyi: I’ve updated

removed bug tag and added documentation and enhancement tags - as it is not a bug in the sonos binding or OH code in general.

I think that once the doc is updated that issue can be closed.


I am going to test this evening. I think it will work when jupnp network interface is specified


A preview of the updated documentation is available at Installation - Docker.

At all:
Please feel free to comment on the PR and provide suggestions if changes are required. If you have feedback, please be as precise as possible - so that I know what you would like to change, or even directly use the text.

It would also be appreciated if a user running docker on a windows system could help me out to create the respective tab in the docu on how to find the correct interface name.

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Thanks a lot! Found a typo, added a comment on the PR.
A few additional points:

  • I actually added a second parameter in my config: I’m not sure if this is necessary, maybe someone can confirm.
  • The [^multicastrouting] is rendered as is, not sure what the intention is here?
  • Since the problem was primarily discussed with the SONOS binding (I think…), maybe it’s worth adding a link to this docker page in the corresponding binding documentation?

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

I use this parameter as well - I’ll try if it works without, else I’ll add it to the documentation as well.

That should actually be a footnote - but did not notice that the used markdown renderer does not support this syntax extension. I’ll fix this.

Unsure about this one … let’s see if we get other feedback on that - of course it is somewhat related - but not exactly part of the binding configuration. I’ll wait for some more opinions/votes on that one. If desired I will add such a link to the SONOS binding docu.

Users using docker will normally read the page dedicated to docker installation.
We have many bindings relying upon UPnP. I am really not sure we should add a specific docker link in the documentation of each of them.

OK, I see your points, so let’s focus on the Docker page.

Note, this behavior might be a regression. See Openhab 4.1 starts mass of SocketListener and JmDNS Threads in Docker · Issue #3976 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub. Updates to the docs may not be what’s needed here. It might be a bug. OH is supposed to use the network you configured in Settings → Network as the primary for UPnP stuff.

thanks for the reference!

I’m using OH 4.1.0 - and it seems to respect the parameters. I’ve updated the info in the issue you reference together with the settings I use (including settings for the logger to debug the issue). It might make sense, that UPnP only binds to the interface specified in the UI - but I can not comment if there are scenarios when it makes sense to bind to several networks and/or control them …

Anyhow - the java option approach seems to work - at least in my setup. Let see what the logs will show for @scriptwriter13’s setup. I noticed that the setting is quite sensitive on how quotation marks - had problems with that at the beginning.

The other thing is, that my setup (configuration/data) has been migrated - it is not a new install. Not sure if a clean 4.1.0 install will behave differently.

:arrow_right: I’ll wait for the results of the log; depending on the result I’ll create a clean/new 4.1.0 container with default settings and my .env file to see if this works or not.

HI @patrik_gfeller, @pgruetter , @Lolodomo , @wborn and all others,

other projects like apache or any other serverproject has possibility that you really can define one or multiple listener-interfaces or * for all interfaces.

In Openhab there is a possibility to select under network-settings an ip address. But this does not work in openhab in this way as the listener-config on other server-software.

All problems on docker like UPNP and the multiple instances on all interfaces, mine with the SocketListener and JmDNS, this one with the Pings on docker (another issue i opened in github under addons) would not exist if it would be possible to bind openhab to only one interface. So from my guessings it should be thought about that to make this possible to make life of docker-openhab-users easier.

You can already restrict functionality to interfaces in the Network Configuration settings however these settings aren’t used by all Core and add-ons code.

I can also imagine there are users with setups where using only one interface breaks functionality and using all interfaces causes performance issues. In that case they may want to be able to configure multiple interfaces. For example if you want to ping hosts on the Internet, in your local network and Docker containers on the same host.