SqueezeControl custom widget

Hi Jan,

to be honest I’m not reallly sure what your issue is about… but it has nothing to do with the naming of your things! I guess the item-names which are bound to your thing’s channels are problematic.

Try to bind the items manually and give them certain names that match the structure PrefixPlayernameSuffix e.g. “SqueezeWohnzimmerFavorite” or “SqueezeKücheMute” and try to avoid spaces and underscores.

The parent group on the second screenshot is not neccesary…

Can you please make a screenshot from the items you use. that would help me a lot to see what’s going on in your configuration.



I will try to follow your new way - it was so easy to let the system do all the work :wink:
But it seems that was not the best way to understand what´s happening - thanks for your fast help!

Ok, try out and come back here if the issues remain… have a nice day!

That was the way before…now I try to adapt it to your way - I made it for one player and it´s not working till now

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Can you please click the edit button (top right) and make another screenshot.

Is the item of type “string”?

Yes it is - I checked and you can see it also on the top below the max2play Album.

What would be the right Player name here? max2play or kueche?

So far it seems “squeezekuecheAlbum” is ok… what have you entered at the widget configuration? Maybe a typo regarding to upper/lowercase letters? To avoid that, I personally use only the first letter in uppercase and the rest in lowercase, for prefix name and suffix, and use this at the widget-config too.

e.g. SqueezeKuecheAlbum

Make sure the widget config matches the naming from your items!

Typo I checked…something is strange - I created all items the way like you, “squeezekuecheAlbum” and the log shows:

I come close, seems that I got it now - had chosen a wrong player name. Was always using the old name, not the “kueche” new name

Thanks for your help and the great widget :+1:

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I think for now you can ignore the warnings in the logs… these are no errors. Can you specify what exactly is not working for you except these annoying warnings?

Great news Jan, hope your issues are fixed for now, if not feel free to ask again :wink: