Starting a Google Play Music playlist on a Chromecast Audio?

Problem: Play music from a Google Play Music playlist (Monday, Tuesday, Wed…) on a Chromecast when arriving home. Stop / Pause when leaving home.

Potential solution: I have a bunch of Chromecast Audio’s wired up and able to playback. But I’m stuck on how to kick off a stream to them.

I’ve seen tools like CastNow, Mopidy and talk about using the Logitech Media Server. Am I missing something obvious? Do I need to run bridge service between Google Play Music and the Chromecasts? And if so what are others using and controlling through openhab?

I would have thought it was possible to just issue a smarthome:audio stream xxChromeCastxxx xxStreamxxx.

So I’m curious how others are kicking off playlists or radio stations from Google Play Music?

(Second question would be how to find xxStreamxx?)

Maybe this topic could help you:

@Celaeno1 thanks for the quick reply.

I guess my question is more about making Google Music accessible to the Chromecast binding. I had imagined that there was some kind of URL that one could just pass in that would represent a playlist, but further reading makes it look like I’ll need to run something like GmusicProxy to then have sane playback URIs. Still seems like a complicated setup.

To follow up I managed to get Gmusicproxy working. It’s actually a really nice way to access Google Music - URLS look like http://localhost:9999/get_by_search?type=album&artist=Queen&title=Greatest%20Hits and return a playlist of tracks that have stable names like That said, it mostly works, up until the part when playing happens :frowning:.

Logged an issue and will update when I get further.

Is there also a possibility to send a normal playlist file to the chromecast which is located on my network?

@wars it used to be possible. However I’ve not been able to get this working again. And unfortunately it seems very hard to get any logs from the CC-Audio. I logged an issue about this. If I could find a way to debug Chromecasts / get a log from them, I’d love to look at this more.