Thanks Allen - drop me a PM and we can discuss, but I appreciate it. I guess one of the multi switch/dimmer type devices might be most useful.
I know not everyone likes the idea, and it’s clearly personal preference. I’ve personally spent quite a lot to support OH and do receive a few donations which helps a little…
I too was a little disappointed, but I can understand their position. It’s interesting though - I’ve had really good support from a number of manufacturers who have supplied information and devices for testing (Aeon, Sensative, Fibaro and Zooz - although as Zooz are US only, it’s not quite so useful). I had a phone call with Qees/Qubino about a year back, but they said it was company policy not to provide test devices. I forget who I spoke to and can’t find the email right at the moment - I did get another name to try within the company, but had no response there…