Strange Android Dropdown widget behaviour with Openhab items with multiple channels

Hi, I have upgraded recently my docker image from OpenHab 3.4.1 to 4.2.3, since then I have this strange issue. I have 4 items, pertaining to the openwebnet binding, wich have 2 control channels assigned, like this :

As you can see all of them have a channel mqtt to control them. However this is what I see on Android dropdown widget:

2 of those lines, “Luce Vetrine” and “Presa Comandata So…” work as intended. “Faretti Hue HT” and “Luce Scale Soppalco” show an arrow pointing to the right. If I select one of those two items, Instead of being changed their state from on to off or vice versa as intended, I am redirected to the OpenHab android app. From there, everything works. I have no idea how to fix this. It’s really annoying!
Thank you all for your precious time, and merry Christmas.

C. Giuliani

SOLVED: I was still employing the configuration method recommended for OpenHab version 3.4.1.

In version 4.x.x, it is no longer necessary to link the MQTT channels to the OpenWebNet items for control. The control rules that read the MQTT string received from the IR transmitter are adequate to send commands directly to the OpenWebNet actuators. Therefore, by eliminating the “channel=mqtt:topic…” from those lines and relying solely on the rules, I have resolved the issue. Now both the Android app, the dropdown menu app and the IR remote are all working as intended.
Case closed.

Merry Christmas,
Cesare Giuliani