Strange Error when executing rules

I am testing a simple rule

rule "testWeb"
    Time cron "* * * * * ?"
    var a = 1

This rule is save in the “testWeb.rules” file and I put it into I use the openhab core on the master branch to test the rule. However, the following error meesage is shown every second.

16:55:06.771 [main] INFO o.o.c.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl:101 - Loading model 'testWeb.rules'

16:55:13.001 [ool-12-thread-1] ERROR o.o.c.m.s.r.i.engine.DSLScriptEngine:103 - Script references context 'testWeb-1', but no context provider is registered!

16:55:14.003 [ool-12-thread-1] ERROR o.o.c.m.s.r.i.engine.DSLScriptEngine:103 - Script references context 'testWeb-1', but no context provider is registered!

Can anyone give me some hints?

Please don’t double post…

Sorry I will close that one.

If you are working with OH 3 than please tag the post so we know what version of OH you are working with. And there are precious few users who know much of anything with OH 3 at the moment.

What do you mean by “working with openhab core”? You built it yourself? We are likely not going to be able to help with a custom build like that. Do you see the same error when installing the full OH 3 package?

Yes. In Eclipse I downloaded the core and built it by myself. There is no error when installing OH3.

Than I recommend moving this to the Development category (you can just edit this post, don’t create a new one) to ask for help in what else you need to do to get the Rules Engine working properly when building the system yourself. There appears to be some additional step you are missing. That might get the attention of the developers who can help.

Thank you!

Are you running in eclipse or a separate startup? In the first case you can start just with the demo project and see if that works. Don’t import any core projects. If you than want to modify any core code, just import the core project you want to modify.

On a second note. I personally would not invest any second in trying to improve the old rule based system as it’s a dead-end road because it would take just to much effort to improve it and only still supported because people rely on it.