Strange rule (format) error

For a while, I get the following error message in my logs:

Error during the execution of rule Pool_Solar_Steuerung: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType

After a while (a few hours), I don’t get MQTT values anymore - it seems, the steady error makes the system unstable.

I searched a lot and I know where the problem occurs, but don’t know how to handle it. Maybe someone can help me…

Here are the relevant items:

DateTime PoolTempLastUpdated  "Letztes Update [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$ty, %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]"  <lastupdate>
String PoolSolarStatus        "Status Pool-Sensoren [%s]"      <status2>                     {mqtt="<[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/status:state:default]"}
Number PoolSolarTempSkimmer   "Skimmer [%.1f °C]"              <skimmer_temp>   (gPoolSolar) {mqtt="<[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/temp_skimmer:state:default]"}
Number PoolSolarTempPumpe     "Pumpe [%.1f °C]"                <pump_temp>      (gPoolSolar) {mqtt="<[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/temp_pumpe:state:default]"}
Number PoolSolarTempDach      "Kollektor [%.1f °C]"            <kollektor_temp> (gPoolSolar) {mqtt="<[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/temp_dach:state:default]"}
Number PoolSolarMode          "Solar-Modus"                    <ac_mode>                      
Number PoolSolarRelais        "Pool-Relais"                                                  {mqtt=">[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/relais:command:ON:1],>[mqtt_broker:poolsolar/relais:command:OFF:0]"}
String PoolSolarRelaisStatus  "Solar-Relais ein? [%s]"         <status>
Number PoolSolarTempDiff      "Temperaturdifferenz [%.0f °C]"     <temperature>       

And here is the rule which throws the exception:

rule Pool_Solar_Steuerung
          // Bei Betätigung des Schaltes oder jede Minute
          Item PoolSolarMode received command or
          Time cron "0 0/1 * * * ?"   
       // Durchschnitt aus Skimmer- und Pumpen-Temperatur berechnen
       val Number PoolTempDS = ((PoolSolarTempSkimmer.state as DecimalType + PoolSolarTempPumpe.state as DecimalType)/2)
       // Temperaturdiffernz von Dachtemperatur abziehen (für den einfacheren Vergleich) 
       val Number PoolTempDachDiff = (PoolSolarTempDach.state as DecimalType - PoolSolarTempDiff.state as DecimalType)

       switch (PoolSolarMode.state)
       // Wenn "AUTO" gewählt ist, dann abhängig von der Temperaturdifferenz schalten
       case 2: if ( PoolTempDS < PoolTempDachDiff)
                    sendCommand(PoolSolarRelais, 1)
                    logInfo("RULE", "PoolSolarMode AUTO: ON (Pool=" + PoolTempDS +"°, Dach=" + PoolTempDachDiff + "°)")
                  } else
                    sendCommand(PoolSolarRelais, 0)
                    logInfo("RULE", "PoolSolarMode AUTO: OFF (Pool=" + PoolTempDS +"°, Dach=" + PoolTempDachDiff + "°)")
       // "OFF" (manuell)
       case 0:  {
                      sendCommand(PoolSolarRelais, 0)
                      logInfo("RULE", "PoolSolarMode MANUAL: OFF")
       // "ON" (manuell)
       case 1:   {
                      sendCommand(PoolSolarRelais, 1)
                      logInfo("RULE", "PoolSolarMode MANUAL: ON")

The error seems to happen here:

       // Durchschnitt aus Skimmer- und Pumpen-Temperatur berechnen
       val Number PoolTempDS = ((PoolSolarTempSkimmer.state as DecimalType + PoolSolarTempPumpe.state as DecimalType)/2)
       // Temperaturdiffernz von Dachtemperatur abziehen (für den einfacheren Vergleich) 
       val Number PoolTempDachDiff = (PoolSolarTempDach.state as DecimalType - PoolSolarTempDiff.state as DecimalType)

Seems like a conversion problem between decimal and string, but all items I calculate with are defined as number and in the app or on the webinterface, they look like figures - I can even draw charts (which is only possible with numeric values).

The question is: Where is my mistake?


Nevermind, one value was NULL. Solved.