Strange WARN on timeseries query


I get the following warning message in the openhab.log:

2025-02-03 17:00:00.008 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - Querying persistence service with open begin and/or end not allowed: begin null, end 2025-02-03T17:00+01:00[Europe/Berlin], now 2025-02-03T17:00:00.008521355+01:00[Europe/Berlin]

The strange thing is this warning occurs only after sunset till midnight. This is where it comes from in my DSL rule:

	val sunActions = getActions("astro","astro:sun:local")
	val SunRiseTime = sunActions.getEventTime("SUN_RISE",,"START")
	val SunSetTime = sunActions.getEventTime("SUN_SET",,"END")
	val sumBetw = (Timeseries.sumBetween(SunRiseTime,SunSetTime,"inmemory") as Number

That value sumBetw still gets calculated fine. But for some strange reason the sumBetween function is not happy with the SunRiseTime. The Timeseries is persisted using the inmemory service. I can visualize past data just fine, so the timeseries is complete. This is with OH4.3 in Docker.
