Success replacing openhab2 with openhab3 - Congratulations

Today i started a complete new setup using openhab3 to replace my openhab2 solution running on raspi.
I tried twice before using oepnhabian 1.6.1 and 1.61b without success and the last two beta releases - i could not get it to run at all.

But today i started with raspian 1.62 and openhab 3.0 a complete new installation - now approx 4 hours later i have

  • the shelly binding für light control
  • the shelly binding for doowindows contacts and a garagedoor open/close control
  • the deconz conbee - II (Zigbee) with all smoke detectors and light bulbs
  • The solaredge inverter connection
  • the Mail Binding
    up and running

I have my locations setup in openhab3, the view of equipments and groups are super to view through the setup.
Next i want to recreate the rules from OH2 with OH3 and i look forward to learn more abóut the platforms new possibilities.

As perequisites i had my experiences using oh2 and setting it up - it needed weeks to complete! - and the 3 hours webinar when you introduced the news of OH3.
I can say : it worked super smooth and intuitive - like you presented it.

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