Syslog Errors (100 GB)

err…no. This thread is the only instance I’m aware of. “Quite often” it isn’t for sure.

Asking because I am really interested in how people think as that can help us make improve openHABian and docs. Glad you asked, most do not.
I am quite often amazed though how descriptions or changes to the software are interpreted by people, like in this case.
Adopt has been an option in several months, totally unchanged by itself. The default is also unchanged ever even (Zulu) so I really did not understand why you or anyone would spot a “recommendation” in the pure fact that this is available as an option.

probably it is just me :slight_smile:

no. just search for AdoptOpenJDK in all subforums (30 hits) and there are few / many (doesn’t matter) suggesting to install AdoptOpenJDK or where the OP had problems with Zulu which were solved by switching to AdoptOpenJDK

30 hits not 30 issues, and even those boil down to a handful or less real issues.
Out of thousands of installations. That ain’t “quite often”.