Systeminfo Problems

Yes, “Systeminfo Binding is installed.” is in my Text.

Are any entries in the log?

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No, the word “system” is not in the two log files

You use 2.1 and WinServer, but I don’t think that sould be a problem.
Have you restarted openHAB?

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The Demo is working normaly and I can change these things. But when I add something new, it does not work…

As I don’t use Systeminfo yet, it’s just a guess:
Maybe the keyword Thing is missing?

Thing systeminfo:computer:work [interval_high=3, interval_medium=60]

No, I just tested it… And the Demo Things are also without “Thing”:

yahooweather:weather:berlin [ location=AUXX0025 ]
astro:sun:home   [ geolocation="48.2,16.3667", interval=60 ]
astro:moon:home  [ geolocation="48.2,16.3667", interval=60 ]
ntp:ntp:demo [ hostname="", refreshInterval=60, refreshNtp=30 ]

Yes I also restarted it.

Could that be a problem?


Can you find a entry like this for your things-file in your openhab.log?

2018-03-17 23:24:45.067 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model ‘tmp.things’

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What about this?

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2018-03-17 21:39:40.273 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'demo.things'

And I just see that ERROR:

2018-03-17 23:48:39.567 [WARN ] [nce.extensions.PersistenceExtensions] - There is no queryable persistence service registered with the id 'rrd4j'
2018-03-17 23:48:39.824 [INFO ] [panel.internal.HABPanelDashboardTile] - Started HABPanel at /habpanel
2018-03-17 23:48:39.925 [ERROR] [org.apache.felix.configadmin        ] - [org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler,, id=346, bundle=213/mvn:org.openhab.binding/org.openhab.binding.lgtv/1.10.0]: Unexpected problem updating configuration org.openhab.lgtv
	at org.openhab.binding.lgtv.internal.LgtvBinding.updated([213:org.openhab.binding.lgtv:1.10.0]
	at Source)[:1.8.0_162]
2018-03-17 23:48:39.949 [INFO ] [b.core.service.AbstractActiveService] - IRtrans Refresh Service has been started
2018-03-17 23:49:10.895 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'demo.things' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [1,40]: Number expected.

2018-03-17 23:49:10.908 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'demo.things' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [1,40]: Number expected.

Can you post your demo.things file?
Remove the lg binding

Now it works… I comment the yahooweather out.

//yahooweather:weather:berlin [ location=AUXX0025 ]
astro:sun:home   [ geolocation="48.2,16.3667", interval=60 ]
astro:moon:home  [ geolocation="48.2,16.3667", interval=60 ]
ntp:ntp:demo [ hostname="", refreshInterval=60, refreshNtp=30 ]
systeminfo:computer:work [interval_high=3, interval_medium=60]

Bridge fronius:bridge:mybridge [hostname="",refreshInterval=5] {
    Thing powerinverter myinverter [ deviceId=1 ]

// vim: syntax=Xtend

But… the Uptime is a negative Value?!:

Number CPU_Load         "Prozessorlast [%.1f %%]" <CPU> { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#load"}
Number CPU_Load1                    { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#load1" }
Number CPU_Load5                    { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#load5" }
Number CPU_Load15                   { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#load15" }
Number CPU_Uptime          "UpTime"        { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#uptime" }

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Looks like it’s working
Did you have the yahooweather binding installed?

The negative value for uptime is odd…
What system are you using?

Yes I have it installed, but I think I have the ERROR for the Weather…

Win Srv 2016

Also with the JS the Uptime is -32k

To display the uptime in human format instead of minutes I use a javascript transform.


Number LocalComputer_Cpu_SystemUptime "[JS(CPUTime.js):%s]" { channel="systeminfo:computer:work:cpu#uptime" }

Javasccript file: CPUTime.js in the transform folder

Javascript transform function to change the number
of minutes of CPU time from the System Info Binding
into a more readable format
eg: 2365 into '1 day 15 hours 25 minutes

The item in the items file is defined as follow:
Number LocalComputer_Cpu_SystemUptime "[JS(CPUTime.js):%s]"
and linked via PaperUI to the System uptime channel
of the System Info Thing

(function(i) {
    var val = parseInt(i); // The value sent by OH is a string so we parse into an integer
    var days = 0; // Initialise variables
    var hours = 0;
    var minutes = 0;
    if (val >= 1440) { // 1440 minutes in a days
        days = Math.floor(val / 1440); // Number of days
        val = val - (days * 1440); // Remove days from val
    if (val >= 60) { // 60 minutes in an hour
       hours = Math.floor(val /60); // Number of hours
        val = val - (hours * 60); // Remove hours from val
    minutes = Math.floor(val); // Number of minutes

    var stringDays = ''; // Initialse string variables
    var stringHours = '';
    var stringMinutes = '';
    if (days === 1) {
        stringDays = '1 day '; // Only 1 day so no 's'
    } else if (days > 1) {
        stringDays = days + ' days '; // More than 1 day so 's'
    } // If days = 0 then stringDays remains ''

    if (hours === 1) {
        stringHours = '1 hour '; // Only 1 hour so no 's'
    } else if (hours > 1) {
        stringHours = hours + ' hours '; // More than 1 hour so 's'
    } // If hours = 0 then stringHours remains ''

    if (minutes === 1) {
        stringMinutes = '1 minute'; // Only 1 minute so no 's'
    } else if (minutes > 1) {
        stringMinutes = minutes + ' minutes'; // More than 1 minute so 's'
    } // If minutes = 0 then stringMinutes remains ''

    var returnString =  stringDays + stringHours + stringMinutes
    return returnString.trim(); // Removes the extraneous space at the end


It could be an issue with windows. I haven’t used windows for a while now, sorry.
Could be a binding issue with windows systems. Is there an issue in github?
If not, maybe raise one.

It looks like the binding is reading the uptime from the cpu or whatever it is reading it from as a signed integer instead of an unsigned one.
It will start from -32768 and then go up to +32767
You can try to add 32768 in the javascript transform at the beginning of the function as a temporary fix

I tried, but it seems that it don’t use the js.

The Number is counting up. But it’s not so important… The main things are working.

Thanks! :heart: