[TapoControl] - Control Tapo Smart WiFi-Devices with Openhab - Official Support Thread

Works for me too.
Thx a lot!

Hi @Bigdesaster ,
how do I set the KLAP Protocol in THING text configuration?

Here my configuration:

Bridge tapocontrol:bridge:myTapoBridge      "Cloud-Login"        [ username="XXX", password="XXXX" ] 
   tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1    "My-Socket-1"        [ ipAddress="", pollingInterval=30 ]


Many thanks for this - sounds like a lot of work - it’s appreciated :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m experiencing the issue, that in some use cases with timers, the tapo devices are not reacting after sending signal off. This use case worked before the Update.

if you really like to use textual configurtation it should be like:

tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1    "My-Socket-1"        [ ipAddress="", pollingInterval=30, protocol="klap" ]
tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1    "My-Socket-2"        [ ipAddress="", pollingInterval=30, protocol="securePassthrough" ]

mhh without a tracelog it’s a bit difficult.
Edit: i uploaded a new version. found a min-gap bug. please test.

Hi @Bigdesaster
I tried both your configurations but I am still getting these errors every 30 seconds:


Bridge tapocontrol:bridge:myTapoBridge "Cloud-Login"        [ username="XXXXX", password="xxx" ] {
   Thing P105 Socket1 "My-Socket-1"    [ipAddress="", pollingInterval=30, protocol="klap" ]

log fine:

2023-10-09 14:48:05.061 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR):  (1003) to UNKNOWN:  (1003)
2023-10-09 14:48:05.064 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1' changed from UNKNOWN:  (1003) to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR):  (1003)
2023-10-09 14:48:35.074 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR):  (1003) to UNKNOWN:  (1003)
2023-10-09 14:48:35.078 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tapocontrol:P105:myTapoBridge:Socket1' changed from UNKNOWN:  (1003) to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR):  (1003)

I am on OH3.4 openhabian version.


first: did you download the jar and put it in into the addons-folder?
didn’t test the jar with OH3.4. But 4.0 stable should work

actually didn’t download any manual jar.
I thought it was a configuration issue.

So I should move to OH4 to run the change?

The integration of the new protocol is not merged to the oh-addons at the moment because integration is new and still under testing now.
So you have to download the jar as written in the first post here and install it manually.
But i think it will be not compatible with OH3.4. So you will have to use at least the last OH4-Stable version.
Only when a pr will be merged to openhab-addons the version will be available with the latest snapshot-version. For stable this will not be done before OH4.1 will change to stable.

When trying to load the latest version I get:


Putting slf4j-api-2.0.0-jar in the runtime/addons folder results in:

openhabian@openHABianPi:/var/log $ tail openhab/openhab.log
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: slf4j.api [263]
Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability: osgi.serviceloader; filter:=“(osgi.serviceloader=org.slf4j.spi.SLF4JServiceProvider)”

Another dependency which has to be added to pom for 4.0.
Uploaded an ‘4.0.3-COMPATIBILITY.jar’. For 4.0u can use use this file.

1 Like

Works like a charm, thank you so much, Chris! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1:

Got it under control with sleeps before sending command. Think it’s a milestone issue.
With a certain amount of tapo things commanded, openhab crashes, when doing that in parallel.


Another issue with l900

Uploaded new Version yesterday. L9x0 and P300 should work now again.
For OH4.0.3 you can use Tapocontrol-4.0.4-SNAPSHOT now

Hi Bigdesaster, I have installed the binding you created org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol-4.0.4-SNAPSHOT.jar, thank-you. But when I try to create a Thing for my P100 switches, I do not get the options under ‘Show Advanced’ to select the KLAP protocol. (I’ve also tried org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar but the same result.)
I’m running Openhab 4.0.0
Do you have any suggestions ?

The “show advanced” checkbox must be available already with old versions. you can set the polling interval with it since the first versions

Hmmm, with the latest OH4.1 and 4.1 jar I get T100 hub i"nitializing"

2023-10-22 20:20:37.670 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.Activator          ] - Starting openHAB 4.1.0 (build Build #3684)

2023-10-22 20:22:16.815 [TRACE] [rnal.devices.wifi.hub.TapoHubHandler] - tapocontrol:H100:a85f225f09:0a0bf2b4d9 Hub initialized
2023-10-22 20:22:16.890 [DEBUG] [l.devices.wifi.TapoBaseDeviceHandler] - (tapocontrol:H100:a85f225f09:0a0bf2b4d9) deviceConfiguration error : class org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol.internal.device.TapoBridgeHandler cannot be cast to class org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol.internal.devices.bridge.TapoBridgeHandler (org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol.internal.device.TapoBridgeHandler is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @8e537f; org.openhab.binding.tapocontrol.internal.devices.bridge.TapoBridgeHandler is in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @126da31)

Hi again bigdesaster,
Yes, the ‘Show Advanced’ checkbox is present but when I tick it, the only additional field that displays is the ‘Refresh Interval’
From the info earlier in this thread I was expecting to be able to set a port and a HTT Protocol.

ok than the jar is not used. Look at the logs when placing it into the addon-folder if there are some errors.

Mine is working fine. I will upload a new jar in the next days.