Tasmota, multiple buttons, but only one sends mqtt


i have a wemos d1 mini with tasmota, I have connected one push button, and set the gpio, as “switch1” configured it as switchmode 7, when I push the button, it sends ON, and then OFF via MQTT, exactly as I wanted, and it works in my openhab setup, but now I want one more button, connected it to another GPIO, configured it as “switch2” set it to switchmode 7, but when I push it, nothing happens, no MQTT messages send… why…? my goal was to connect 4 push buttons, and have 4 different MQTT messages… what am I doing wrong?

Just find out that I have connected the second button to the input named “sensor” moved it to one without name, and now I works, but it sends the same mqtt message as the first button… is it possible to change that…?

Check the tasmota section for the wemos. https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Wemos%20D1%20Mini

Also here for GPIO SwitchMode https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Understanding-SwitchMode-and-SwitchTopic