TCP/UDP Binding Question, interfacing to ebusd

ebusd has a tcp interface which I would like to connect to read and write values.
ebusd accepts connection on 8888 and would return a value on “read”

read [-f] [-m SECONDS] [-s QQ] [-d ZZ] [-c CIRCUIT] [-p PRIO] [-v|-V] [-n] [-i VALUE[;VALUE]*] NAME [FIELD[.N]]
  -f           force reading from the bus (same as '-m 0')
  -m SECONDS   only return cached value if age is less than SECONDS [300]
  -c CIRCUIT   limit to messages of CIRCUIT
  -s QQ        override source address QQ
  -d ZZ        override destination address ZZ
  -p PRIO      set the message poll priority (1-9)
  -v           increase verbosity (include names/units/comments)
  -V           be very verbose (include names, units, and comments)
  -n           use numeric value of value=name pairs
  -i VALUE     read additional message parameters from VALUE
  NAME         NAME of the message to send
  FIELD        only retrieve the field named FIELD
  N            only retrieve the N'th field named FIELD (0-based)

And values can be set by a “write”

write [-s QQ] [-d ZZ] -c CIRCUIT NAME [VALUE[;VALUE]*]
  -s QQ        override source address QQ
  -d ZZ        override destination address ZZ
  -c CIRCUIT   CIRCUIT of the message to send
  NAME         NAME of the message to send
  VALUE        a single field VALUE

Some items would have reading only character, other should be updatable.
Could somebody give me a hint how to setup the tcp.cfg and item for the following example:

Read Only Item
Number Item zuluftmenge ............

read -f -V zuluftmenge

wolfcwl zuluftmenge data=50 m³/h
Read/Write Item
Number Item aktstufe ...

read -f -V aktstufe

wolfcwl aktstufe data=0

write  -c wolfcwl w_aktstufe 0
