Telegesis stick stopped working

Yea I know, I have it configured, but still the setting of the port keeps getting set to /dev/ttyUSB0, I don’t know why… As soon as I change it back to the alias I have configured it is back online again.

Ah ok, found the list, I will buy and try the Tradfri Ikea sensor tomorrow and test it with my telegesis stick.

Such a shame that the Xiaomi devices won’t work with Telegesis, they are really small and look really need nice, most devices are so big…

Sorry - I’m not sure either. Maybe it has something to do with the USB discovery system in openHAB, but I’m not familiar with this unfortunately.

So, I got the Tradri Ikea motion sensors now, I was able to pair one with my telegesis stick, the only thins is, it doesn’t detect motion… :frowning:
The error in the logging is:

2019-09-25 17:24:03.104 [ERROR] [converter.ZigBeeConverterSwitchOnoff] - 14B457FFFE6B19B1: Error 0xffff setting client binding

Do you have any idea how to fix this?