Temperature value does not update anymore


This morning i’ve adjusted some temperature related items in openhab.
Before i wasn’t able to adjust the temperature setting beside change te mode.
Now i am able to adjust my disired temperature with + en - by changing the class from point to point_setpoint.
When i look at the current temperature (another item) it does not change anymore and shows the setpoint instead of the measured temperature.
What am i doing wrong?

The only thing that should change when you change the semantic tagging to setpoint should be where the item sorts in the properties cards and which default widget is used to display the item in any of the UI spaces.

If the value you set one item to is also showing up in other items, this is a likely indication that you have something misconfigured in your model (which may also explain the other issues you are having).

Do you have any items that you have tried to place in two different places in the model (this is not permitted)?

Did you apply this setpoint tag to a group which propagates commands to all its member items?

Do you have any non group items defined as locations or equipment (I don’t know if this breaks things, but it’s possible)?

Hi Justin,

In every group i have 3 temperature values wich are different channels in my velbus system.
I have temperature, the current temperature that the system mesures.
I have the setpoint, the temperature i want in this room.
I have mode, these are 4 predefined temperatures (standby, night, day, comfort)

Before the changes i had to set the mode to change my temperature but let’s say if the mode was 20 degrees celcius, i had to change it tot 21 on the panels but could not change this in ophenhab.
Now i can change the wanted temperature to 21 using openhab but the mesured temperature is now shown as the wanted temperatured and stays flat.

I’ve added a screenshot of the model and opened the Living part but in all rooms you have the values.
The only difference is that in the Living i have grouped the items because there are to much items to be shown.

The 3 values i mention are all named Living.
I also changed the names because i thought this could be the reasing why everything goes wrong but this doens’t seem to solve my issue.

I’ve also added some prt scrn of the item Living current where i have the issue’s with.

I suspect that the problem is that you do no have these temperature inside their own equipment group.

In general the model expects (and looks for) all points inside groups to function properly. And in the model no point can be a member of more than one semantic group. There are a few very special exceptions to this rule. You can have a temperature item within a group and also have that item as a direct member of the location of that equipment group. When this is the case, that one temperature point is treated as the ambient temperature of the location.

It makes sense to have this arrangement for exactly this kind of case. When there are multiple temperature points inside the different equipment in one location the model cannot know without additional information which one of those points is the actual ambient temperature of the space.

Reconfiguring your model will probably fix this issue and is all but guaranteed to fix your issue on the other thread. All of those temperature points need to be in an equipment group (it can be the same one or not, that’s up to you), and only the one that is the actual, measured temperature can also remain as a child of the Living location.

Hi Justin,

I’ve tried comprehending your answer but i think i didn’t understand it or did something wrong.
Created new equipment from the thing called “verwarming”.
With that i’ve added the 3 channels that i want to control because it comes from the same device.
I’m able to control the setpoint and i see the changes on the physical controlpanel.
I’m also able to control the mode and see the changes on the control panel.
What i’ve noticed is that when i change the mode from day to comfort is that i see the setpoint changing on the physical controlpanel but not on the ui in openhab.
As an example comfort = 21 and day = 17.
When chaning the mode to day i can see 21 on the physical panel but not an the ui.
Changing on the ui with the setpoint from 17 to 20 does work but when chaning the mode the ui does not get updated.
After all the changes i have this issue and the issues with the current temperature persists, the data does not get updated on the openhab ui.
I’ve added some picture of the current settings of the points and the model.

This is an issue with the binding, not the UI. I don’t know anything about velbus specifically, but it sounds like your items are not getting the updated information from the actual device.

When you change an item in OH, the system knows about that change and tracks it and also passes the requested change to the binding to be sent off to the real world, but what happens in the real world it has no knowledge of unless something reports bac. An item such as your mode item has no connection to the associated temperature item except through the binding. When you change the mode item OH knows that item has a new value but the temperature item will not get a new value until your velbus system correctly reports that a temperature setting has changed.

I suggest you look more carefully at the system configuration and the binding configuration. Maybe @MDAR has some velbus setup tips for you.

That all sounds correct. Did you also remove at least two of the three old points that were in the location without being part of an equipment group? I suspect that some of the crossed signals that you are getting in the temperature items is because the system is treating all 3 of those items as “the one true location temperature”

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I’m no expect when it comes to how items are created and configured in the main UI.

I have so much success with text files, even adding Sematic tags that I just haven’t engaged with the MainUI. (I’ve tried, got frustrated and rolled back to the text files)

However, if I assume nothing significant has changed in your configuration, the graph suggests that your openHAB Velbus bridge has lost communication with the Velbus network.

Does everything else work or is it just the temperature / thermostat that is broken?

Hi Justin,

It seems like nothing updates anymore since i’ve made setpoints from the wanted temperature.
Now i even don’t get updates if lights are switched.
Seems like the whole thing is broken.
Would you suggest a reïnstall or is there any other way to fix this?


As mentioned to Justin, everything seems broken.
I can still put a light on or off but there are no more updates.
I’ve lost communication but the weir thing is that i can still control everything.

You mention about text files.
I’m interested in learning how to do cause i’m sure with text you can do anything.
Are there any good sources to learn how to do so?

I think i’ll have to reïnstall everything since it look totally broken so i would like to start using text instead of the gui since this didn’t work out well.

Hi Justin,

When i’ve entered bundle: in cli i’ve noticed there are multiple velserv instances.
Could this be causing my issues?
If so, how can i remove them?

How can i see what is running using cli?
Is there a way to overwrite the package?

I agree with that assessment. Reinstall is certainly the next thing I would try at this point. But I have never used the velbus system so you are outside my ability to help much more at this point.

Again, I don’t know the velbus binding, but for many of the bindings you don’t even have to delete all your items and probably not your things either, you just have to remove the binding and then reinstall it. If that doesn’t help then you can delete and re-create the things to. If you make sure that they have the same ID when you recreate them then you don’t even have to re-link all the items, they will automatically find the correct thing again.

I doubt it, but again, not a velbus expert. Those appear to just be installation scripts, not actual instances of the server running, but I don’t know what they do or why they are there in your directory. Probably they just got downloaded 3 times instead of one during your initial setup and install.

Ummmm, no

You have multiple downloads of the same VelServ setup script that I created.

There should only be one instance running, regardless of how many of those scripts you run.

systemctl status velserv
To see how that’s running.

However, as you have control of most Velbus Things & items, I would suggest that the issue is firmly in how you’ve setup your thermostat Thing & Items.

IE, if Velserv is passing any information, it’ll be passing it all.

If you blindly remove and reinstall, you’ll learn nothing about where the issue is.

I would suggest at this stage, that you simply remove the items associated with the thermostat, then try to create them again, going one step at a time.

What I could recommend at this stage is to use Velbuslink and look at the advanced tab of the thermostat configuration, specifically at how often it places a temperature update onto the bus.