Template Widget: volume picker, on/off colors


I am looking to do two things

  1. I took the code below from some examples (thank you), and would like the button to be red when off, and green when on. Can anyone tell me what to change?
.icon-tile.colorize {
  filter: invert(45%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(15deg) saturate(1700%);
-webkit-filter: invert(45%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(15deg) saturate(1700%);
.item-on {
  filter: invert(45%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(15deg) saturate(1700%);
-webkit-filter: invert(45%) sepia(100%) hue-rotate(15deg) saturate(1700%);

<table style="width: 100%; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 8px;">
  <tr><td colspan=2><h3 style="color: #ffaa00; line-height: .1em;">Office Speaker</h3></td></tr>
  <td style="border: 2px solid #76899e; border-radius: 10px;">
    <div ng-if="itemValue('RNetAudioZone1_3_Status')!='ON'">
      <button class="btn btn-lg" style="background: transparent;" ng-click="sendCmd('RNetAudioZone1_3_Status', 'ON')">
        <img width="62px" src="/static/images/power-switch.svg"></img>
    <div ng-if="itemValue('RNetAudioZone1_3_Status')=='ON'">
      <button class="btn btn-lg" style="background: transparent;" ng-click="sendCmd('RNetAudioZone1_3_Status', 'OFF')">
        <img width="62px" src="/static/images/power-switch.svg" class="item-on"></img>

2/. Volume as choices rather than slider. I only use a few vol settings, and would like to just be able to click on them (say 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), rather than slide 0-100. Is there a way to list them and on click change color to selected one and use that for volume. what i have now for slider is. I would also like to do this to select sources, but could maybe use the same code.

  <td style="border: 2px solid #76899e; border-radius: 10px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
    <div class="slider-div" ng-init='volumeModel={"Office_vol": "Office Volume", "item": "RNetAudioZone1_3_Volume", 
                    "floor" : 0, "ceil": 100, "step": 1, "hidelabel" : "true", "hidelimits": "true" }'>
       <widget-slider ng-model="volumeModel"/>

Thank you