Tesla binding updates stopped suddenly

What do I need to do in order for the update to become effective on my side?

Thanks in advence for your help.

I’ve updated to 3.4.4. It works fine.
Congratulations to the team.

Hi what do you do to upgrade to 3.4.4? Do you need to reinstall add on manually or does it upgrade Tesla add on to 3.4.4 automatically? Any issue do you notice after the upgrade?

After update, all works again - fantastic!
Thank you so much for an outstanding effort of the Team.

Hi all,
had the same issues that had been fixed with the new release. Since last week maybe around 2023-6-08 I keep getting these errors again and the Tesla items do not update: [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Reached the maximum number of errors (3) for the current interval (15 seconds)

Is this an individual issue or do others experience these issues as well?

Hi all,
commenting on my own issue for documentation. I updated to 3.4.4 AGAIN and this fixed it for me. I suppose, I had reloaded the old version (involuntarily, maybe with some openHABIAN action).

I have this issue with version 3.4.5 and also with version 4.0.1. Hope, that can be fixed with an 3.4. version, because I have much other errors in version 4.0.1.