The site_id is a numeric number.
If you run the curl command I posted, it will show you the site’s associated with your account.
I’ll try and work on the code today to let you leave site_id blank.
The site_id is a numeric number.
If you run the curl command I posted, it will show you the site’s associated with your account.
I’ll try and work on the code today to let you leave site_id blank. is refreshed - it should be possible to leave the Site ID blank now - it works for me at least
Works for me too
I have to find out why the items in (local) teslapowerwall show power in units of kW and the (cloud based) teslapowerwallcontrol show them in W.
Woohoo! I think the difference just comes down to my mood when I coded it. I can made the cloud version do kW too.
I’m nearly there with the ability to change the reserve, for some reason, I’m getting:
2022-02-04 19:12:07.518 [DEBUG] [nternal.TeslaPowerwallControlHandler] - Setting reserve to: 12
2022-02-04 19:12:07.520 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - payload = {"backup_reserve_percent":'12'}
2022-02-04 19:12:07.521 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - Calling url:
2022-02-04 19:12:07.707 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - response to reserve change = {"error":"invalid JSON: unexpected character (after backup_reserve_percent) at line 1, column 27 [parse.c:769] in '{\"backup_reserve_percent\":'12'}"}
ie my nicely formatted JSON is getting \ added to it and an extra "} and I have no idea why.
Soooo close!
double post ? double answer:
You get back \ and extra leading and trailing {} to make the server return JSON comatible.
Did you try to replace ’ by " in your server request ‘12’ => “12” ?
The Tesla server doesn’t like double quotes - only single quotes…
Actually, it can handle no quotes as well…
String payload = "{\"backup_reserve_percent\":" + newreserve + "}";
results in:
2022-02-05 07:26:01.342 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - payload = {"backup_reserve_percent":9}
2022-02-05 07:26:01.343 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - Calling url:
2022-02-05 07:26:01.675 [DEBUG] [rnal.TeslaPowerwallControlWebTargets] - response to reserve change = {"response":{"code":201,"message":"Updated"}}
Seems I just needed a night to sleep on it
Apologies for any inconvenience, but I’ve renamed the binding to TeslaPowerwallCloud to make it clearer what the differences are to my TeslaPowerwall binding. I may also consider renaming TeslaPowerwall to TeslaPowerwallLocal in the future.
New download link is
I’ll commit this change to my github shortly, and will aim to support toggling Storm Mode, and changing Operating mode before the end of this weekend.
I got distracted today, and added several mode channels instead of adding support for toggling operating mode and storm mode.
New channels:
Update 2:
I’ve worked out how to (via curl) change Operating Mode and Storm mode, so this should be trivial to support. Will aim to implement this on Sunday.
Update 3:
Looks like Island mode can be used to go off grid - so I’ll need to change it from read-only and work out how to use it.
New jar is working here, too. Units are still W.
…is there any example how to integrate/ startup? Using VSC and avoid the OH frontend
I’ll look at changing units to kW in the morning my time.
.jar refreshed - units now in kW
.jar updated again - toggling Storm Watch mode and Changing Operating Mode should be working now.
Still TODO:
Units now in kW
Thanks for confirming!
Where can i find the token. i do not have an android device but an ios device.
I don’t have an IOS device but I believe Auth app for Tesla on the App Store should do the trick
yes it seemed to work, thank you.
But i had no success with the CURL command you provided.
I left it empty and the thing goes online.
I have to test creating items yet.
I got it working and implemented items for the power as well as the SOC.
The soc does not give a correct value.
Currently the PW is charged 6 % according to the app and the channel returns 0.8382.
how do i interpret this?
i thought 1 = 100 %
That’s strange. The percent-charged channel matches the app here, and has done for the two months since I created the binding. Here it returns the actual percentage - 98 for me right now
It’s currently at 100 %, in reality the pw2 is at 22 % soc. but i recognized the Thing got offline reporting a communication error with the api:
TeslaPowerwallCloudcontroller returned error while invoking
i checked the token in the app and it is still the same.
strange …
I do need to try and improve the error reporting. Having said that, the only time I got an offline error report was when my token expired. I did see this ( yesterday - it’s not clear to me (yet) if this affects the binding. I haven’t figured out how to check how long until the token expires using the Tesla API.
Edit: I’m wondering if the token you generated is one of the new ones that only lasts for 8 hours?