Testers for Verisure openHAB 2 binding

Please try this new version, it should handle the humidity better. I also solved a bug when you did not specifty the pin.

I can not find the authstring.
https://mypages.verisure.com/j_spring_security_check does not exsist in developer tools in chrome.



The https://mypages.verisure.com/j_spring_security_check is the first URL that is called, so you have to be quick to stop the recording so that you can catch it.

However it is not necessary to catch it via a browser since it is the same username and password as you use for logging into verisure.com and the Verisure App.

The syntax for the verisure.things file is as @jarlebh earlier wrote:
Bridge verisure:bridge:myverisure “Verisure Bridge” [authstring=“j_username=username&j_password=password”, refresh=“600”]



Thanks @jannegpriv

So you mean my registred email and password?







Humidity is now presented correctly! :ok_hand:



I will try to update the binding a split this into a username and password parameters.

When i put in the thing

Bridge verisure:bridge:myverisure "Verisure Bridge" [authstring="j_username=somename.lastname@domain.com&j_password=Secret", refresh="600", pin="111111"]

I receive error

2017-03-08 18:18:41.066 [ERROR] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Failed in updatestatus
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $



The binding uses the following queries when the RuntimeException in your printout is caught:

Alarm status:


Verisure object status:


One of those queries causes the error you see, if you logon to mypages.verisure.com and paste those URLs in the browser you should get an output that is in JSON format that can be decoded using e.g.:


Do you get proper JSON that contains info about alarm status and all your climate sensors?

You can also change log level to TRACE for the Verisure binding in the karaf console:

openhab> log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.verisure

Then wait for a status poll from the binding and the use karaf to filter out verisure binding trace&debug printouts:

openhab> log:display org.openhab.binding.verisure
22:22:19.954 [DEBUG] [risure.handler.VerisureBridgeHandler] - VerisureBridgeHandler - Thread is up and running!
22:22:19.959 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - areWeLoggedIn() - Checking if we are logged in
22:22:20.316 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Status code 200. Probably logged in
22:22:20.318 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - VerisureSession:updateStatus
22:22:20.319 [TRACE] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - VerisureSession:updateAlarmStatus
22:22:20.320 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - httpGetURL: https://mypages.verisure.com/remotecontrol?_=
22:22:20.436 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Status code:200 contentType:application/json;charset=UTF-8
22:22:20.437 [TRACE] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Content-------start-----
22:22:20.440 [TRACE] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Received content: [{"date":"Yesterday 21:45","notAllowedReason":"","name":"John Doe","changeAllowed":true,"id":1,"label":"Disarmed","type":"ARM_STATE","status":"unarmed"}]
22:22:20.442 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Alarm data Not Changed VerisureAlarmJSON [date=Yesterday 21:45, name=John Doe, id=1, label=Disarmed, status=unarmed]
22:22:20.443 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - VerisureSession:updateVerisureObjects
22:22:20.444 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - httpGetURL: https://mypages.verisure.com/overview/climatedevice?_=
22:22:20.640 [DEBUG] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Status code:200 contentType:application/json;charset=UTF-8
22:22:20.641 [TRACE] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Content-------start-----
22:22:20.645 [TRACE] [ng.verisure.internal.VerisureSession] - Received content: [{"temperatureBelowMinAlertValue":"","temperatureAboveMaxAlertValue":"","temperature":"22.7°","plottable":true,"monitorable":false,"humidity":"33.0%","location":"Sovrum","humidityBelowMinAlertValue":"","id":"1111 2222","type":"Smoke detector","humidityAboveMaxAlertValue":"","timestamp":"Today 19:41"},{"temperatureBelowMinAlertValue":"","temperatureAboveMaxAlertValue":"","temperature":"23.1°","plottable":true,"monitorable":false,"humidity":"24.0%","location":"TvĂ€ttstugan","humidityBelowMinAlertValue":"","id":"1111 2222","type":"Smoke detector","humidityAboveMaxAlertValue":"","timestamp":"Today 19:41"},{"temperatureBelowMinAlertValue":"","temperatureAboveMaxAlertValue":"","temperature":"21.8°","plottable":true,"monitorable":false,"humidity":"","location":"Kök","humidityBelowMinAlertValue":"","id":"1111 2222","type":"Siren","humidityAboveMaxAlertValue":"","timestamp":"Today 21:56"},{"temperatureBelowMinAlertValue":"","temperatureAboveMaxAlertValue":"","temperature":"16.2°","plottable":true,"monitorable":false,"humidity":"","location":"KĂ€llaren","humidityBelowMinAlertValue":"","id":"1111 2222","type":"Water detector","humidityAboveMaxAlertValue":"","timestamp":"Today 21:54"},{"temperatureBelowMinAlertValue":"","temperatureAboveMaxAlertValue":"","temperature":"21.2°","plottable":true,"monitorable":false,"humidity":"","location":"Köket","humidityBelowMinAlertValue":"","id":"1111 2222","type":"Water detector","humidityAboveMaxAlertValue":"","timestamp":"Today 21:58"}]



Please do as Jan suggests, there must be something off with the response from Verisure.

Now i have it working :slight_smile:

The problem earlier was that i just have the lock and then the binding gave errors.

Now my problem is how i add the door sensors. It does not auto detect them.


What is the status of this binding?


I’m also wondering about progress here!

Before I moved to OpenHAB I used Home Assistant (https://home-assistant.io/) The only thing I am “missing” in OH is the Verisure binding HA has.

I did test this one like 1 month ago, not sure if much has happened after that? but it was to “slow” to be useful at that time and after a total reinstall I did not add the binding (I will tho)

Of course, if it still is a problem that Verisure do not accept connection more than once every 30-min, it can’t be done anything about the refresh speed I guess.

In any way, I’m very much open to test/report/whatever is needed.

After the latest nightly Verisure binding stopped working.

Is it time to abandon this binding?


Get it to work when downgrading to 2.1.0~20170417025507-1.


Any updates of the Verisure binding?


What is the status of this binding?

We have just installed two Yale Doorman locks including lock-modules and VBox, so I am eager to help testing this, and make it work.


I have a Yale Doorman v2n. And I would also like to test the binding.


Any updates?


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I use it in my home currently, i has been running stable for months. I do recommend setting up the email notification support. This really makes it much more usable, I see that Verisure now had added door state also, so I will try to find some time to add this. However I not have much time to work on this binding lately, and I do see that I will have much time before Christmas. However I will try to find time to push this to the official repo also.

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