Testing Z-Wave binding on openHAB-2

How about community presets, like Factory default, All enabled etc… They would be usable only from habmin i guess but thats not so bad.

I think the answer lies in implementing a few options…

Yes - and I think we should also do this to get the device working in the first place. The first time the device is added as a thing we should configure it so that it works in some ‘standard’ way…

This is also valid under all circumstances since it provides the user options depending on how they might want to configure it. This sort of thing can easily be added now into the Overview are in the parameter (similar sort of thing to what @shorty707 did above).

The more I think about it though, for the ‘initial standard configuration’ it’s probably best to have a separate field in the database so it’s clear what it’s for…

Hmmm - now that’s an interesting idea :slightly_smiling:. This is very flexible as it builds on what @xsnrg mentioned above, but I’d need to think about how that fits into the database since it’s likely more work…

Leave that one with me - I like it if it’s not too much work…

I just installed org.openhab.binding.zwave_2.0.0.201602211459.jar, I see that my 4 greenwave one port’s socket switches are not regognised (my 6 port version is nicely recognized and working):

2016-02-21 16:43:50.615 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 3: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.21
2016-02-21 16:43:50.615 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 7: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.27
2016-02-21 16:43:50.621 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 12: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.21
2016-02-21 16:43:50.623 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 6: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.28

I do see them in the database here: http://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/102.

I have NS310 types. I see them in Habmin as unknown with no channels. Are they included in the newest jar? thanks!

It looks like the problem is they are defined for a different version of the firmware than yours (version 3.0 to 4.0 and you have a number of versions around 4.2).

I’ll remove this constraint - it probably doesn’t matter. There will no doubt be an update in an hour or three…

A, that explains it then, thanks!

@chris was the (zwave.me) node 5 log file of any help? Is there anything else I can do to help out?

In the absence of your answer, of my “unknown node post”, I went ahead and created an account for db editing, but I can see that there are already an “Aeon Micro Smart Energy Switch”. However I am not sure if this is the same as mine. Mine has no identification on them, and the manual does not mention any part number. :unamused:

Hey Chris, I’m afraid with org.openhab.binding.zwave_2.0.0.201602211647.jar, I get the same behaviour (stays unknown and no channels in habmin2):

2016-02-21 17:59:28.563 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 12: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.21
2016-02-21 17:59:28.575 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 3: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.21
2016-02-21 17:59:28.581 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 6: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.28
2016-02-21 17:59:28.564 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 7: Device could not be resolved to a thingType! 0099:0002:0002::4.27

A fresh node12.xml can be found here if you need it. Thanks again for you hard work.

Not really.

Can you try to reinitialise the device - in the thing configuration in HABmin, click on the tools menu and select ‘show advanced settings’. Then you should see an option to reinitialise - click on this and grab the log. This basically does all the same stuff that happens on startup if there’s no XML file for the node… If you can email me the log and the xml file that gets created I’ll take a look… It’s all a bit confusing as to what’s going on there…

I’ve just uploaded all your XMLs to the database - the only one I couldn’t get to work was I think node 5 - probably for the same reason as above (it wouldn’t read the XML).

@vespaman I’ve just loaded a new JAR that should have most of your devices in it now…

I am not able to open habmin.
I have downloaded:

  • openhab-offline-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
  • openhab-offline-2.0.0.b2.zip
  • org.openhab.binding.zwave_2.0.0.201602211647.jar
  • org.openhab.io.transport.serial_2.0.0.201601311510.jar
  • org.openhab.ui.habmin_2.0.0.SNAPSHOT-0.0.15.jar

All of them today. In fact the zwave and habmin, I have also tried the ones before Chris put an update just an hour ago.
I’ve unzipped one the openhab-offline zip file (the issue exists with either one), put the 3 jar files in the addons folder and run ./start.sh on my Mac.
I can open http://localhost:8080/start/index but http://localhost:8080/habmin/index.html gets me only an error of a non-existing page.

What am I missing?

If you download these from Github, make sure that the files are not corrupted - HABmin should be about 4MB, and ZWave should be around 500k… Often files downloaded from Github abort after around 30k, so if any of these files are around this size, you need to download them again (select RAW on Github to avoid this).

Otherwise, I’m not sure what’s up - HABmin should run without other dependancies…

he downloaded OFFLINE package
which includes an 1.9 snapshot of zwave

that must be deinstalled I think and afterwards check with bundle:list is the correct zwave2 jar is marked as active as ESH tends to cache somehow

My apologies, the habmin jar was not correct. It had a size of 3033811. I had the correct and complete copy elsewhere. I had checked that size, but must have copied it while it was still downloading.

Now habmin shows up. Thanks.

Good point, although HABmin should work in any case as it doesn’t have any dependancies (other than the core).

Kai has just merged the Z-Wave binding and changed the system over to incorporating this instead of the 1.9 version, so I guess that as of tonight, it should be a bit easier :slightly_smiling:

(and thanks to everyone who has helped thus far - there’s still a bit to do, but it’s getting there…).

Now in habmin, I am trying to do the step of configuring the port. I found the “Z-Wave Serial Controller” thing.
I saved it and then tried to configure the port. I entered /dev/tty.usbmodem1421 as the port. (there is also /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 but OH1 worked with the former, so I presume that is the correct one).
When I hit save, I get a red box with “Error saving thing Z-Wave Serial Controller”.

I restarted and it seems to work. Just need to be patient for things to show up though.

Is it right that the nightly OH2-builds at Cloudbees now includes your updates of the Z-Wave 2.0 binding @chris ? That would help very much, at this point of testing OH2 i have the following Add-ons in my addons.cfg:

A comma-separated list of bindings to install (e.g. “sonos,knx,zwave”)
binding = avmfritz, hue, netatmo, mqtt

All builds have just completed. I have actually kept the 1.9 version as well, so that you can now choose which one to install:

Exactly right!

You give the answer exact at the time i wrote my post @Kai :wink: