I have habmin from 13:59 yesterday (, and binding
Maybe I’m in the wrong Habmin branch again? I’m using Master now…
I have habmin from 13:59 yesterday (, and binding
Maybe I’m in the wrong Habmin branch again? I’m using Master now…
Should be ok then .
I thought maybe it might be a browser issue, but I just tried in both Safari and Firefox (as well as Chrome that I normally use) and it all works fine…
Oops. I pressed refresh in browser when I have the network view up, and I got a very psychedelic thing. The nodes are moving…
Picture will not tell much. Also can it be that my little dongle in basement reaches all nodes? I cannot believe this - concrete between the floors.
Edit2: After a while the view settled, maybe because I was pushing some nodes around. If this is a true network view, then I’m really impressed by the Aeon Gen5 stick - My Vera with external antenna could not reach all nodes, and Wifi is impossible over the whole house.
Edit3: Took away ramblings about node 13.
I think I’ve still got the interaction features enabled, so things might ‘wobble around’ in a large network (like yours ).
I’ll add the actual list of neighbour nodes to the tooltip so it’s possible to verify that the diagram is created correctly…
Once I got the hang on the wobbly thing, I kind of like it. It’s like unstable atoms…
But is there a way of expanding the width? I have lots of space on the sides, the nodes does not have to be so cuddly to each other.
That might not be so easy… You should however be able to zoom and pan the view?
I can, but map only gets bigger/smaller - no change on inter-distance. It would be nice to see all node numbers without having to click on the ones that are hidden under others.
No big deal though. I like it as it is.
This has been my impression as well. The stick is also in my basement, and it is reaching out and touching things directly that I never thought it would.
The reds are battery devices that had not properly checked in yet after a restart. Nice work @chris
Very nice work @chris! maybe is this graph type an option?
It will ‘settle’ on itself.
Since now I can not see the horizontal wired connections? (and moving items along the y axis is disabled)
I agree - it should do…
Yes, this is unfortunate, but I’m not sure how to avoid this. I have discussed with with the vis guys to see if we could add an option that stopped straight lines between nodes on the same level by (for example) routing them via the ‘half way point between levels’ (if that makes sense) but it’s not possible…
For now at least, we’ll have to live with it… Of course, if you find a way to solve this, then I’m open for any PR
I am using Remotec remote controller described here http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1639 . It is not included in the database and I suppose that’s why I cannot see it in my things? Can I somehow help in including it in the database?
Sure - take a look here. You need to register, and I need to then give you edit access, but if the binding is creating the XML file (in the /userdata/zwave folder) then loading this is a really good start.
I will check this, My understanding is that there is a sum (0) and 3 others (1-3), but i will confirm. I might have an old version of my items somewhere where i have them all.
After i confirm i will check if i can update the database.
So i checked my old items file. And as you can see below i have an endpoint 3. So i would assume endpoint 0 is a total for Power/Energy and an avarage for voltage.
Number HEM_P “Elforbrug [%.1f W]” (Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:command=METER, meter_scale=E_W” }
Number HEM_V “Avg Voltage L1-L3 [%.1f V]” (Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:command=METER, meter_scale=E_V” }
Number HEM_C “Total Power [%.1f A]” (Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:command=METER, meter_scale=E_A” }
Number HEM_P1 “L1 Energy [%.1f W]” (Meter_P_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:1:command=METER, meter_scale=E_W” }
Number HEM_P2 “L2 Energy [%.1f W]” (Meter_P_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:2:command=METER, meter_scale=E_W” }
Number HEM_P3 “L3 Energy [%.1f W]” (Meter_P_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:3:command=METER, meter_scale=E_W” }
Number HEM_V1 “L1 Voltage [%.1f V]” (Meter_V_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:1:command=METER, meter_scale=E_V” }
Number HEM_V2 “L2 Voltage [%.1f V]” (Meter_V_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:2:command=METER, meter_scale=E_V” }
Number HEM_V3 “L3 Voltage [%.1f V]” (Meter_V_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:3:command=METER, meter_scale=E_V” }
Number HEM_C1 “L1 Power [%.3f A]” (Meter_C_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:1:command=METER, meter_scale=E_A” }
Number HEM_C2 “L2 Power [%.3f A]” (Meter_C_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:2:command=METER, meter_scale=E_A” }
Number HEM_C3 “L3 Power [%.3f A]” (Meter_C_Chart,Chart,Zwave) { zwave=“5:3:command=METER, meter_scale=E_A” }
I can try to update the db, if you give me access.
Done - thanks.
I’d be happy to add the device to the database.
I have a file called node1.xml in the userdata/zwave directory but it is of classes static_controller / pc_controller and looks like the z-wave stick.
Pfff, I can’t get it better either too little leafs, to much connections / node.
Yes - node 1 is normally for the Z-Stick. Is the remote included into the network - it can be difficult to include them. If it is, then make sure it’s woken up in close range of the controller so that the controller can talk to it… If it doesn’t work, then get a log and I’ll take a look at what’s stopping it…
HI again
I have added Endpoint 3 to the device.
I am not sure the kWh is for all channels though. I think that it might be delta values (Wh use since last message). Not sure how to check.
Ok - in theory, what is there at the moment is what the device reports that it supports, so it should be correct (in theory of course ). However, I’d suggest we leave them there, and you try them to see if they all work - if they don’t, then we can remove these channels later.