Thank you to the developers

The upgrade from 2.5 to 3 did work very well. Performed manually on my live system. The single big task was the upgrade java 8->11. Then all was live again!
Thank you and congrats!



That is great. I wanted to thank the developers as well. This is such a major improvement over the 2.x versions. Its far more integrated and the configuration workflow is way more logical: bind your things, create your model including equipments from the things, and then the items fall nicely into place as well.
I used Portainer.IO to manage the Openhab docker container on my home server. One just says pull new docker image named openhab/openhab and then the new/latest OpenHab 3.0 image is retrieved. Then you can just activate a docker container with this new image. That image has the JDK11 in it so no manual Java stuff needed. i was surprised by the easy of docker in combination with to manage my openhab instance (The only tweak I had to do was to expose the ports 8080 and 8443. I think these where missing from the Openhab 3 docker image. I’ll register an issue for that).

Indeed, congratulations to everyone involved!

I’ve just managed to install a fresh openHAB3 on a Pi 3B with latest Raspberry Pi OS Lite via apt following the instructions in the documentation, and it took all of 10 minutes - seriously impressive. Another couple of minutes and I had my first incoming MQTT messages stored and displayed in the new UI. Brilliant!

The part that took the longest was working out the best method of install Zulu Java 11 on the Pi - in the end I used these instructions, modified to download the latest files, and changed the un-tar command so it actually worked:

sudo tar -xvzf ...

Now to completely wreck all my heating automations over Christmas…

EDIT: For completeness, here’s the commands I used at the time to install Zulu11. The *tar.gz file was the latest at the time - you may wish to check what is the latest right now at this link, right click the green download link on the right for Zulu 11, and click “Copy Link Location” or similar wording for your OS.

sudo mkdir /opt/jdk
cd /opt/jdk
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvzf "zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz"
sudo rm *.tar.gz
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf/bin/java 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk/zulu11.43.100-ca-jdk11.0.9.1-linux_aarch32hf/bin/javac 1

And then to check the version:

pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ java --version
openjdk 2020-11-06 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.43+100-CA (build
OpenJDK Client VM Zulu11.43+100-CA (build, mixed mode)

Hi there. Your post has been helpful to me, as I am also migrating to OH3.0 and needed Zulu11.

You missed the following step to have the Zulu 11 working:

sudo update-alternatives --config java
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I didn’t need that step - perhaps something different about the starting configurations. Mine was on a brand new Raspbian OS image.