"The method or field xxx is undefined" in VSCode

I am just trying to change my system from OH2.5 to OH3.

I am writing all my rules in VSCode.

Using OH 2.5 I was used to it to add a new item and immediately be able to use it in rules.

When I try this in OH 3 i get the error message “The method or field <> is undefined” and VSCode is also not updating the items.
A restart doesn’t help.

I also can see the item I added to the file in the openHAB UI, but I can’t use it in my rules in VSCode.

Can someone please try to explain what I am doing wrong?

My item:

String Echo_Badezimmer_StartRoutine           "Start Routine"                                           {channel="amazonechocontrol:echo:nephrotranz:G090P308747213W3:startRoutine"}

My rule:

rule "Radio Badezimmer Spätschicht"
    Time cron "0 20 21 ? * * *"
    if(spaetschicht.state == ON && now.getDayOfWeek != 6 && now.getDayOfWeek != 7) {
    Echo_Badezimmer_StartRoutine.sendCommand('Radio Badezimmer')

But VSCode shows:

and I have no clue what the problem could be.

I added the same item and the same rule to OH2.5 and it worked immediately.

Thanks for any help.