The openHAB 2.5.0 Update Process - My Experience

@BrutalBirdie hello here :wave:

Just getting started with Docker / Docker Compose, my Linux skills are not much better and I have a ‘few’ questions :grinning:



  • docker-compose.yml
    • the openHAB docker guide sets user & group ID for the openHAB container - why is that no necessary in your setup? It seems like you are setting UID & GID only for the grafana container?
      According to the guide the IDs should part of the container parameters to avoid file permission issues - wouldn’t that mean, that they should be included into the settings for every container (aka open hab, InfluxDB, etc.)?
    • you are explicitly pointing to the individual application env-files (for example env.influxdb) is nothing like that necessary for the .env file?
    • does the .env file contain the UID &GID for the user openhab or some other user?
  • env.influxdb
    • Is the user ‘openhab_ro’ an read-only account for grafana (as used in Toms InfluxDB & Grafana Guide? Where do you tell Grafana to use that account?
    • What does ‘_DIR_="$(cd “$(dirname “${0}”)”; pwd)"’ do?? Something like getting the current path?
  • Getting started:
    • How do I get started? Do I just copy your scripts into an empty folder, generate the subfolders mentioned in docker-compose.yml, change the standard passwords in env.influxdb and execute

Sorry for all these noob questions, tried to answer as much as possible on my own with google, openHAB guides & docker guides :sweat_smile:

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