Theengs Gateway - BLE to MQTT on a Raspberry Pi, Windows PC or Apple Mac

I was using TheengsGateway for a year with no issues, installed directly on the machine (RPI3, running raspbian debian 10 buster)
Now i decided to update the machine, so the same hardware is now running debian 12.5 (again raspbian)
And now, Theengs gateway is running as docker.

since the upgrade, this is not working well.
it works for a few hours, and then bluetooth craps out, only way to recover is reboot the machine.

BLEGateway:[org.bluez.Error.InProgress] Operation already in progress

this is the error from the theengs docker log.
restarting bluetooth service, fiddling with rfkill, bluetoothctl doesnt help most of the time, reboot is needed to bring back bluetooth device

i tried playing with options of theengs to no avail, always the same behaviour, regardless if I run docker with minimal config or custom.

docker create --name=theengsgw -e TZ=Asia/Dubai -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus --network host -e HASS_DISCOVERY=false -e LOG_LEVEL=ERROR -e DISCOVERY=false -e TIME_BETWEEN=180 -e PUBLISH_ALL=false -e MQTT_HOST=knx theengs/gateway

here is my config. but as I said, tried many combinationsā€¦
tried BT experimental mode on/offā€¦

tempted to pop in my old SD card with debian 10 and call it a day :slight_smile:

anyone else has similar issues with BT?
do you think ditching docker and installing the software directly on the machine would make any difference?

EDIT: forgot the mention. Iā€™m using this to read data from xiaomi LYWSD03MMC sensor and sending it over to openhab (mqtt is running on the openhab machine, while theengs gateway is a different machine)

EDIT2: solved - it was some usb device connected to RPI - drawing too much power, creating BT issues. After disconnecting, all is good.
Why it started only after upgrade? The average load of the machine increased to 0.3, so the cpu draws more power now then beforeā€¦