Things not showing via openHAB Cloud

Hello all,

I have a strange issue lately. When I connect to OH directly I can see the Things as normal, but when I connect via the cloud I can only see the status and cannot edit (both via computer and mobile phone).
I have already tried a restart, re-install of the binding but no change. Anybody knows what could be wrong or how I can diagnose?


Same for me. Must be related to 4.3 update I guess.

Yes also running on 4.3.0

I’m seeing the same.

Please file an issue with the openhab-webui repo.


Best regards,

Are you guys running on a vpn?? I have a corporate vpn running and with it on I see the same.

I have tailscale up and running on the machine I tested on.

But when connected via the cell network with tailscale turned off I get the same result. The Thing’s page is as shown above.

I was indeed running via VPN in the screenshot, but also without get the same result.

I closed the issue, couldn’t answer the questions asked. If somebody is more knowledgeable feel free to open a new one.