Things - Provide a thing type ID Error


again I need help.

I’m finish my inclusion device, all works but in the log I see an error.

Provide a thing type ID and a thing ID in this format:

<thingTypeId> <thingId>

When I look where I have this issue, I find the Zwave line in the things.

Bridge zwave:serial_zstick:aec5d933 				"ZWave Controller" 				[port="/dev/ttyACM0", controller_softreset="false", controller_master="true", controller_inclusiontimeout=60, heal_enable="true", heal_time=20, security_networkkey="Mycode1" ]
zwave:shenzhen_powerplug_00_000:aec5d933:node2 			"Xbox" 						[node_id=2]
zwave:fibaro_fgsd002_00_000:aec5d933:node3 			"Incendie RDC" 					[node_id=3]
zwave:vemmio_ds100_00_000:aec5d933:node4 			"Extracteur" 					[node_id=4]


How I can correct this ?

It’s work but I’m not happy to have some error.

Again thx.


Try a different thing format:

Thing zwave:fibaro_fgbs001_00_000:controller:node23 "Z-Wave Node 23: FGBS001 Universal Binary Sensor" (zwave:serial_zstick:controller) [ node_id=23 ]
Thing zwave:everspring_sf812_00_000:controller:node26 "Z-Wave Node 26: SF812 Smoke Sensor" (zwave:serial_zstick:controller) [ node_id=26 ]
Thing zwave:fibaro_fgs222_00_000:controller:node28 "Z-Wave Node 28: FGS222 Double Relay Switch 2x1.5kW" (zwave:serial_zstick:controller) [ node_id=28 ]