Tie multiple instances of openhab together using MQTT?

Totally agree, but nothing wrong with a FAQ or Common Problems link to another page for idiots like me, ya? Does this exist, and maybe my issue is there already?

In this case it’s not really a common problem. You’re the first one to experience this particular problem.

And it is a problem because every page of documentation created had a long term support requirement that will consume the time of the docs maintainers from the point it is created going forward.

It’s a more significant burden than most realize and we can’t manage to round up enough volunteers to complete the new user’s tutorial. So the general policy is if it’s not directly related to OH itself and must especially if it’s documented elsewhere, we don’t include it in it docs.

I’m guessing you have seen this forum’s Tutorials & Examples section?
Any contributor can write up their guide or FAQ or tips or examples.