Timeline picker to setup heating, light and so on

can you show your code in the html file and were to put it please ? @tose
I dont know how to write a html file is it the
same for all or is a custum file

here is a short video with the result of the +/- buttons for the picker.

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@Simon_Thorsted What do you mean?
It’s not nessesary to edit/ create html files.

In the OP you see the location for all files and the the download link.
For your sitemap you must create the webview element and done.

Now i see what you mean. Yes the index.html is the same for all timeline picker you are using.
You must only edit the config area, described in the OP.

Hi @Paul_Vennhaus,

maybe you can use urlencode

So you have as a state for:


But you need a rule which can handle this!

You can do this easily with:

Hope, this helps.

@tose , great work, but

This thread has been running since 2018.Soooo many updates and replies throughout this thread. That’s good feedback , but It is impossible for us to read and comprehend. I mean:- what the latest build is, the latest functions, the latest rules, the latest options, latest “to-do”, etc.

PLEASE can you put some structure around this. Perhaps lock this thread and create a new thread in the Tutorials. In tutorials, always keep post#1 current with instructions and options. Then members comment in the thread. Then you update post#1 if needed. I’m sure people are repeating themselves and you are providing the same help to different members, repeating yourself. Yes? That is wasting your time :wink:

@tillykeats Please read the first post again.

All links are up to date, you find a small changelog and all options are listed in a table. Anyone who has been using the picker for a long time can see when a new option was introduced.
My gitlab repository is also maintained. So you can download the master brunch (the link is in the first post) and you never have to read the complete thread.

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I have a small problem - everything seems to be fine, but when I click “save” on timeline, then I can only click “abort”. If I click “sure”, nothing happens. Also after refresh there are no shedule saved. Any help?

I’m assuming, you are in your local network or connected with a VPN connection. The access over the cloud is not possible.

Please clear the browser cache. (the best bet is for miminum 7 days - only files). Then check again. When your shedule not saved, open the developer console in the browser and show a shreenshot after you pressed the save button.

Thanks for fast answer!
So, after clearing cache, now I got something like this on sitemap:

And the console:

Have you downloaded and copyed vue.js and vue-resource.js

Please check the correct location for vue and vue-resource and clear the browser cache not for 7 days. Clear the cache for the maximum time.

Well, I reainstalled files, now /js folder looks like this:

Now it’s loading but with errors:

And after clicking “save” and “sure” button:

Ah, this is the mistake: You have copied the folder vue-resource-develop.
You need the file vue-resource.js (inside the folder dist in your folder)

Don’t forget; clear the cache after copying the right file.

Omg, it was that easy…
Now it’s working!
Thanks for big and fast help, have a good day!

Hello! Got some problem in here.
Everything seems to be set up right, but in he console I get:
2020-02-28 09:31:45.183 [ERROR] [se.smarthome.model.script.timepicker] - error in transfer string
I have been checking all the files like items, sitemap and rules and it seems to be good.
Any ideas?

@JBr Please show your webview element with all parameters.


Webview icon=none url=",ON&yAxisLabel=1,2,3,4,5,6,7&colorset=555E7B,B7D968&dark=yes"


Switch switch12 “Showroom [%s]” (gTimepicker)
Group gTimepicker
Group gTimepickerObserver
String TimelineHelper “[%s]”
String TransferItem1 “[%s]” (gTimepicker)


val HashMap<String,ArrayList> timePicker = newHashMap(
“TransferItem1” → newArrayList(‘ilockswitch12’)

A scheduler is showing on Basic UI, but when I save, in the logs I see that schedule is saved correctly, but then, when it comes to chankge state of item it says error in transfer string :confused:

To initialize the tranfer string you can change the webview:

Webview icon=none url=",ON&yAxisLabel=17&colorset=555E7B,B7D968&dark=yes"

Now you must call the site with the timeline picker and conform the question that changing is ok. Set one or more events, save and done.

Last but not least you must restore you original webview with you parameters. Call the site with the timeline picker again and set your events. Now you can test again.

Alternativly you can post the content from TransferItem1 befor changeing the webview. This is not nessesary , its for understanding the reasen for your problem.

Ok, so I tried to do some schedule for my item and thats what I have in logs:


2020-03-02 14:23:07.281 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘TransferItem1’ received command {“1”:{“key”:“17”,“value”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]},“99”:“OFF,ON”,“100”:{“event”:false,“lastItemState”:-1,“inactive”:false}}
2020-03-02 14:23:07.289 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - TransferItem1 changed from NULL to {“1”:{“key”:“17”,“value”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]},“99”:“OFF,ON”,“100”:{“event”:false,“lastItemState”:-1,“inactive”:false}}


2020-03-02 14:23:07.429 [ERROR] [se.smarthome.model.script.timepicker] - error in transfer string

Also when it’s time for changeing (uncommented that cron line in .rules file, to do every 15 seconds) unfortunetly nothing happeens. Tried on another item and the results are the same.

That’s odd. Perhaps you can try to download the timeLinePicker rules file from gitalb again and replace the existing file in your OH installation. Don’t forget your config part in this file.

When this not solves your problem i will install this version of the timelinepicker (i’m working since some month with the jsr223 version) for me and test it. But i need 2 day’s.

OK, I will try it tomorrow and give you a feedback.