Timeline picker to setup heating, light and so on

yes, i can confirm that.

I can even get it running but the it starts adding all these extra statements/switches

checked on a windows computer that never opened this page. Same result

with basic authentication OFF the following shows

2022-11-17 17:30:00.443 [ERROR] [e.automation.internal.RuleEngineImpl] - Failed to execute rule ā€˜RNTsā€”timelinepicker-9cca9bad-b8cf-40e6-a9f3-24f97f62fe83ā€™: Fail to execute action: 1

I have no glue :thinking:.
At the weekend I spend some time and will setup a complete new OH on a raspberry pi.
I will install the timelinepicker new and step by step. Perhaps I can reproduce the issue.

next try and a little success

when calling the sitemap for the second time it does not like to get another call with ā€˜statesā€™ included. If deleted the sitemap looks Ok except for the relics in the states line where it created a, b, c in addition to the initially set states plus it moved the manual state one button to the left

What have you changed?
The code is not a mutating magic box.
Each call and an other behavior is not clear.

As mentioned in the text I have deleted the states from the url after initiating the site map a first time.

-------- Originalnachricht --------

You wrote in your first posts that the timelinpicker does not work. But nothing is changed in the code and now itā€™s working fine?
This is not helpfull for the next one who is struggling. Can you explaint what went wrong?

The moved states the the ui is a problem that only occurs in event mode. This is an open issue.

The only thing I tried several times is rebooting openhab and raspi. For some reason it obviously took several attempts to get it right. Seems to be an issue with openhab many others have as well.

Clearing cache, switching computers and switching between Safari, Chrome and Edge did not work initially. Now it is working on Edge and Chrome. Safari is still not working but this might be because of the age of the MacBook.

-------- Originalnachricht --------

Okay, this explanation will help the next one. thanks

Croatian translation here:

ā€œlanguagesā€: {
ā€œhrā€ : {
ā€œyLabelā€ : [ā€˜Po - Neā€™,ā€˜Po - Peā€™,ā€˜Ponedjeljakā€™,ā€˜Utorakā€™,ā€˜Srijedaā€™,ā€˜ÄŒetvrtakā€™,ā€˜Petakā€™,ā€˜Subotaā€™,ā€˜Nedjeljaā€™,ā€˜Su - Neā€™],
ā€œinactiveā€ : {
ā€œline1ā€ : ā€œisključenoā€,
ā€œline2ā€ : ā€œzadnje stanjeā€,
ā€œline3ā€ : ā€œuključiā€,
ā€œline4ā€ : ā€œisključiā€

@Vanja_Vrsic I would like to insert the Croatian language.
Can you please follow this link: content file

In the new version of timelinepicker where is more translations and itā€™s much more helpfull to get all.

'hr': {
    // općenito
    'tf0000': 'spremi',
    'tf0001': 'prekid',
    'tf0002': 'dalje',
    'tf0003': 'ok',
    'tf0004': 'potvrdi',
    'tf0005': 'greŔka',
    'tf0006': 'obavijest',
    'tf0007': 'upozorenje',
    'tf0008': 'ime',
    'tf0009': '',         // noch frei
    'tf0010': '',         // noch frei
    'tf0011': 'ručno',
    'tf0012': 'kreirajte sada',
    // Upozorenja i GreŔke
    'tf0108': 'podaci se učitavaju.',
    'tf0109': 'molimo kontaktirajte administratora',
    'tf0110': 'nedostaje ID ili je pogreŔan',
    'tf0111': 'parametri vremenske linije su promijenjeni!',
    'tf0112': 'izbriŔi ID',
    'tf0113': 'izbriŔi sada',
    'tf0114': 'parametri poziva su pogreŔni, kontaktirajte administratora',
    'tf0115': 'prikaz pauziran',
    'tf0116': 'upotrijebi postojeće parametre (prekid), očisti vremensku traku i upotrijebi nove parametre (nastavi)',
    'tf0117': 'nema dostupnih vremenskih crta',
    'tf0118': 'izlazak sunca, zalazak sunca i pomaci',
    'tf0119': 'alias za naredbe',
    'tf0120': 'izlazak',
    'tf0121': 'zalazak',

    // Natpisi vremenske crte
    'tf0201' : ['Po - Ne','Po - Pe','Ponedjeljak','Utorak','Srijeda','Četvrtak','Petak','Subota','Nedjelja','Su - Ne'],
    'tf0202' : "isključeno",
    'tf0203' : "uključi",
    'tf0204' : "isključi",

Here you go and thanks for this amazing plugin.

I have problem accessing the timeline from myopenhab cloud. I am receiving ā€œmissing or wrong id for this timelineā€ and on my phone via habdroid ā€œloading dataā€. On local network is working fine. Is there a solution for this?

[HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 34ms]

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data tlp_thing_controller.js:29:35
TypeError: r.configuration is undefined
    _initTimelineView https://home.myopenhab.org/static/tlp-jsr/js/switchPointSet_jsr.js:263
    promise callback*_initTimelineView https://home.myopenhab.org/static/tlp-jsr/js/switchPointSet_jsr.js:235
    created https://home.myopenhab.org/static/tlp-jsr/js/switchPointSet_jsr.js:97
    VueJS 3
    <anonymous> https://home.myopenhab.org/static/tlp-jsr/js/switchPointSet_jsr.js:27

I am using the timelinepicker version using RulesDSL in OpenHAB 3.3.0M5 and it works pretty reliably, but I have seen that it is now deprecated.

I am now slowly moving to OpenHAB 3.4.0 by rewriting part of the rules (still with DSL in some cases ) and moving from text file configurations to UI.
In this context I would like to install the newer version based on javascript.
Are the instructions in OP up to date with OpenHAB 3.4.0? I am not an expert in Javascript: I have seen that there are changes in OH3.4. Are these relevant for the installation of timelinepicker?

Thank you for your hard work,

Hi Lionello,
yes itā€™s working well with 3.4. Perhaps you can wait a week. I have tested the instructions with a new OH from scratch and i will make some minor changes in the instructions.
Perhaps we have both a little benefit. You can install the new version with improved instructions and i get a small feedback. :grinning:

Thank you for your prompt response. I will wait for your updated instructions: it will be certainly useful for me and I will try to give you feedback.

1 Like

V3.0.0 is working really well on OH3.4.1.
There are some inconsistencies in the demo files but it is easy to figure out.
Please maintain it. Thank you!

What inconsistencies did you find?

Iā€™m on the finishline to improve the key handling to grant access to the REST API.
At the momemt itā€™s nessesary to paste the key manual in three files. Befor you must manual convert the key. This is really damm.
As next the key will transfered as ip parameter and on serverside iā€™m using the programming API.

The last thing iā€™m struggling is to convert the returned Channel information from programming API. This is a java datastruktur and this is to convert in a js object.

@ingenieur89 Yes i know, the timeline picker is working very well with OH 3.4.x.
when you figure out some inconsidences or issues, perhaps itā€™s much more better to create a PR on gitlab. This helps me and all other. :wink:

Sorry, I am not used to gitlab yet.
I can only give you feedback on this way.

In the demo file ā€œexample.sitemapā€ I changed

Webview url="http://ip-addr-openHAB:8080/static/time-line-picker-jsr/index.html?ip=xx.xx.xx.xx:8080&transferItem=TransferItem&yAxisLabel=1,2,3,4,5,6,7" height=14


Webview url="http://ip-addr-openHAB:8080/static/tlp-jsr/index.html?id=id1&transferItem=TransferItem&mode=1,2,3,4,5,6,7" height=14

It is correct in the README.md.

Also I think you need to encode instead of decode the token to Base64 (it is described in the README).

Timelinepicker is not working in openHAB cloud. Itā€™s not loading. When I am in my wifi or connect via VPN it is working. Maybe the problem is on my side.

Maybe you can make the pen icon for editing the timeline optional with a parameter?

Loving it so far. Didnā€™t know this was possible with openHAB.