To much infos in the log

I would like to reduce the amount of value-changed-messages in the log for clarity and have already successfully switched off some things to achieve this. Shelly (every minute or every 3 minutes) and Enocean (every 5 minutes) in particular log unimportant things too often for me. This is usually triggered by the modules. I don’t want to completely switch off the log-level INFO or these Things/Items. An additional log level under INFO (with targeted assignment) or a min/max interval-time parameter in the Thing/Item-definition would be ideal for this. Is there an existing solution? oH 4.3.0.M5

Your options are:

  • make it so the Item doesn’t change as much; there are several profiles available in the Basic Profiles add-on that can help with this (e.g. round). Fewer changes == less logging
  • eliminate all item changed events logging
  • use a log4j2 REGEX filter to eliminate change logging for just these Items only
  • eliminate events.log logging entirely and monitor for events in other ways (e.g. developer sidebar’s event stream viewer)
  • leave everything in events.log and use the tools you have to filter the contents to see just what you need. Frontail and the new log viewer in MainUI also support filters.
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thanks, I’ll try it out