Toon API add-on not working anymore. Invalid API response

I am not a developer, by the way. Just a satisfied user who gives back the way he can. I help the forum. If I could write a binding, I would.

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To make one point clear: the community is not responsible for development or maintanance of any binding or bundle. Some developers are very active in the community, others are not, so how should the maintainer-group know about an unmaintainded binding ?
If a developer stops actively maintaing his binding, it is his choice, but he should inform the maintainers about that changed situation. As all developers are volunteering into openHAB, it is very hard to find a new one to do the requested/needed updates like in your case. Development can be very difficult without having the device at hands, that’s my expirience from the WeMo binding.


In the issue linked earlier the developer responded in the comments last August that he lo longer has the thermostat or a subscription.

But it also states that this is not needed, as Toon offers a developer account :wink:

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To avoid further disappointments of users installing this non-functional binding I’ve removed the toon binding:


This might be a good moment to promote my Toon binding. It only works on rooted Toons, mind you. Introduction is here: Rooted (locally accessible) Toon, download link is here:

Why isn’t this done after almost a year, and it seems like this has been abandoned completely?

Thinking of configuring my house with openHAB but if support is this slow and i can’t even bind my own thermostat to this system, i’ll consider a different software package…

That is a problem when working with a completely volunteer developer community. Yes, it has been abandoned until somebody finds it important enough to develop further.

it seems quite unbelievable that the people who started this topic didn’t feel any need after all, and nobody else wishes this to be solved… Considering how many Toon thermostats exist, I simply can’t imagine nobody feels this may be important…

The learning curve of the system increases exponentially if I can’t even hook up my existing system by using configuration files but directly requires me to dive deep in the code and fix stuff myself that isn’t even documented. Someone who already went trought the hassle of learning the architecture of this program might be able to solve / change the binding to the new Eneco endpoint (?) without much of an effort while this very problem actually deters new users like me.

It may be regional. I am in the US and had not heard of this before the thread.

It’s a Dutch thermostat. Its name Toon in Dutch translates to ‘show’ or ‘display’ and is also used as a male name.

I don’t think there are that many Dutch homes using a Toon thermostat that are also using openHAB. I do not own one myself neither do I have any interest in buying one.

If Toon is that important to you, you might want to try home assistant, which does seem to have Toon support so I’ve heard.

Thanks for the responses. I’ve looked into Home Assistant and this requires a paid subscription (not just a one-time-fee) to keep the system able to talk to Google Home, so Home Assistant is therefore not an option.
Simply having this Toon API binding fixed would solve the entire problem…

You cannot have all for free.
You can also just Root your Toon and use the Toon Rooted binding. It worked perfect for me.

When you Root your Toon you can access him locally in your network. That’s how this binding works. Without Root it all data is going thru the Eneco Servers. ( Like the Toon App does ).
It requires a complete different binding than this. Also it need to be approved by Eneco to get any access.

So if you want it all for Free, Root your Toon.
You can find instructions here. Beside local access it add some other nice things if you ask me.

Else, pay for home assistant.


As @landzaat says: the rooted Toon binding works very well with a rooted Toon. Rooting Toon is not that difficult, and it allows you to install apps on Toon that are otherwise not available.
Being able to control Toon locally and use it without an Eneco subscription and moreover without being dependent on some companies server is also a big advantage…

All proposed ‘solutions’ are no solutions but only alternatives. Not an actual solution.

So I’ll see if I can fix this binding myself. I’m not going to root my Toon since I do have an Eneco subscription and don’t want to loose the possibility to automatically get security updates to the Toon. Not getting any manufacturer approved security updates anymore is one of the risks of rooting a device that I don’t want to take.

I hope you will succeed!!

But just for your info, Rooted Toon’s still use the official firmware, and also gets the same updates as a unrooted firmware. It’s not that rooting your is installing a complete different firmware.
Also you can still use your payed eneco subscription. And use the Eneco App.

I give up. I did follow the manual to start the project from within Eclipse, but after several retries and reinstalls i still immediately get 145 errors and 882 warnings . The OpenHAB core thing doesn’t compile, and the OH Add-ons folder stays empty. This is just impossible to use if it’s behaving like this out of the box. I’ll leave the development to people who are lucky enough to get their environment working. Not worth my time if it is a mess like this.

What manual did you follow? eclipse documentation? For binding development you don’t need core, and also describes that the addons won’t import by default. You also need to select 2.5.x during installation (or checkout 2.5.x)