Topic like boomerang: Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined

When I refreshing Main Page (main UI) then I see in the logs:

18.12.2024 20:56	 [WARN ]	 [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - 	Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined

The problem is not related to new version of OH, in previous version I had the same problem, but now I used new tool in OH 4.3 - Log viewer.

And I see in the log information (sorry for screenshot it’s difficult to copy text from logviewer):

How to identify the element of UI which is “undefined”?

Did you see this

Could the reason be the use of displayStatus (which item does not have) instead of status?

Use the filter to reduce the logs shown down to what you want to share and use the copy icon at the bottom to copy those to the clipboard.


You can pause the logs if needed while setting up the filter.

I don’t think so because the warning says the item is undefined.

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Widgets should use the fallback to .state if .displayState is not found.
This can simply be done with the shortcut


Thank you gentlemen for your help