TP-LINK HS100 Smart Plug (WiFi)?


try windows file explorer , replace Ip with your own


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ok. file access works now. Put the file there ( =
Did this earlier on. Does not show up in paper interface!?
thanks for walking me through…!
Trying again now, maybe messed up filename

once I added that, I had to do the manual add and give ip of each plug to get them to show

with the things page blue plus button, does it show there?

great! did not look here! Thanks a lot, that was easier than expected!

I installed the binding manually as follows:

  1. Logged in to the raspberry pi
  2. Go to the addons folder: cd /usr/share/openhab2/addons
  3. Get the jar directly from github with wget: wget
  4. Restart the raspberry pi (I don’t know if that’s needed, just to be sure).

Then you should be able to auto discover the tp-link devices in paper ui and habadmin.



I’ve gotten my Plugs added, can turn them on or off using the PaperUI! Many Thanks for all the great instruction thus far!

I’m trying to get these onto my HarmonyHub.

I have the Hue Emulation service running. Harmony is able to detect and pair with the “Hue Hub”, however it shows that no devices/bulbs are paired with the Hue Hub.

A user experiencing the same was able to get it to work just by setting the Hue Emulation to DEBUG. Harmony Hub Home Automation Buttons (Hue Emulator question) I tried and had no such luck.

If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears. Thanks!

I was able to add both the harmony hub abd hue extensions to openhab2 via the habmin extensions interface, after a search it failed on hue, then pushed button on top of hue and it registered, then could see items to add

you do not add a userid\pass to the hue config, it will auto populate that when it successfully registers with the button push

Just to confirm that this also works with the HS105 - using the HS100 profile.

yes, that is what I have, two of the HS105 and chose HS100 and they both work as expected

also confirm HS110

Thank you!!! That’s exactly what I needed to get started with my first Thing after getting openHABian up and running. The next project is going to be more interesting (difficult) than these HS100 switches. Adding a Z-Stick Gen 5 and trying to interface with my Schalge BE469 lock, so time for more digging through the forum.

seeing how its summer, this is one of the rules i wrote for the swtch, with a fan attached

  1 rule "kids room fan"
  2 when
  3 Time cron "0 0 20-4 1/1 * ? *"
  4 then
  5 if (tp_linksmarthome_hs110_a0abbec6_switch.state == ON)
  6 {
  7 tp_linksmarthome_hs110_a0abbec6_switch.sendCommand(OFF)
  8 return;
  9 }
 10 if (tp_linksmarthome_hs110_a0abbec6_switch.state == OFF)
 11 {
 12 tp_linksmarthome_hs110_a0abbec6_switch.sendCommand(ON)
 13 }
 14 end
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additionally instead of restarting rasbian as in step 4 on my debian based system i used

sudo systemctl restart openhab2.service

I installed the binding manually as follows:
1) Logged in to the raspberry pi
2) Go to the addons folder: cd /usr/share/openhab2/addons
3) Get the jar directly from github with wget: wget
4) Restart the raspberry pi (I don’t know if that’s needed, just to be sure).

Trying to create manual things using your binding - I know this is still not officially included in the OpenHab binding list, but I had to dig through your source to find the binding ID

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<binding:binding id="tp-linksmarthome"

<name>TP-Link Smart Home Devices Binding</name>
<description>This binding integrates the TP-Link Wi-Fi Smart Home devices.</description>
<author>Hilbrand Bouwkamp, Christian Fischer</author>


Given your ability to create awesome things - do you have any doco on how to associate things manually with this binding?
im slowly getting through the doco to follow this pattern…

Thing <binding_id>:<type_id>:<thing_id> “Label” @ “Location” [ ]
Thing tplinksmarthome:device:plug “tp_linksmarthome_hs110_a0abbec6” @ “KIDS ROOM” [ipAddress=“192.168.X.X”, refresh=“30”]

does this look right?

Did you look in the of the addon? It’s in the pull request and
contains examples for manual configuration.

tbh i didnt… I should know better…


Greetings, and thanks for creating this binding!

Any chance you can add support for the LB130 color changing bulb? This project may provide clues on the commands that control the bulb as it looks like they’ve implemented support for the LB120 and LB130. I’d be happy to test any changes you make to support the the bulb.


I’ve added the binding to the Eclipse marketplace. The version of the binding is created for openHAB version 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT and supports HS100, HS105, HS110 and HS200 out-of-the-box. As well as smart range extenders R270K en R370K (although i haven’t tested those, so they might not work) Also I’m not sure if this binding works with earlier versions of openHAB.

Regarding TP-link bulb support. It should not be that difficult to add the bulbs (only time effort). I already did some research. I’m familiar with the project suggested However, I don’t have any of those bulbs. Currently I’m working on a bulb binding for another product, which give me some knowledge on how bulb related items work, which would make it easier to implement a TP-link version. But adding bulbs will still be a purely theoretical implementation for me. I might plan to implement it anyway, but it would be nice to have a number of users willing to test the binding preferable such that it covers the 4 available bulb types. So if anyone else is interested to test let me know.

Thanks Hilbrand. As I mentioned before I’m happy to help.
