Tradfri, OpenHUB, IOBroker, Color

Hello guys,
I have seen a couple of similar topic - but no answers yet. Not sure if I have a very special setup. So - here it comes.
I run IOBroker on a Raspi4 with the basic zigbee-Adapter.
I run OpenHAB on another Raspi which basically is used for the mobile frontend.
I run MQTT client and server Adapter
I do NOT use a Tradfri Gateway or Binding.
I added a few Tradfri Bulbs to zigbee (the more zigbee items, the better), grouped them and want to control them through MQTT
Options for MQTT are set on the Tradfri Objects on brightness, color, colortemp and state

MQTT subscribe channel is zigbee/0/group1/color, zigbee/0/group1/state - and so on.

Created a generic MQTT thing STATE - and am able to turn on/off
Created a generic MQTT thing brightness - and am able to change that in the UI
Failed to use the color-picker
When changing through the color-picker the log shows the following:
Item ‘Tradfri_Color_item’ received command 7.253140006695458,5.516775805954667,20.000000298023224

It also updates something in the MQTT object on IOBroker (but only rubbish with special characters and no nice RGB number like 33FF45) - manually editing the Objects field works and changes the color.

Somehow I need to get the “received command” with the float number and transform it and get it into the objects-are in IOBroker. Any clue?

I think you are looking at a HSB type for the color.

Here is a converter where you can check if the HSB values match up to the RGB values

Hello Charley, thank you but not looking for that.
I just solved it this second without any rules or anything else… My issue that the color-picker takes float numbers and tries to pass it on to the MQTT subscription resulting in an other format than FF33DD but it interprets it then and gets in some kind of ascii-codes which obviously is not a hex value for RGB… What I did to fix that is to just go into the channel of the thing and adjusted the “Outgoing value format” (in the are where you put in the MQTT subscription. I added the following:

This transforms the float into hex and that did the trick.